It is normal after 7 weeks to go to the badrhoom and the color is green?

   — reborning (posted on December 10, 2007)

December 10, 2007
Hi Celia - can't believe it's 7 weeks already! It may be normal and I don't know 'cause I haven't had my surgery yet, but my suggestion would be to call your surgeon's nurse.
   — obeseforever

December 10, 2007
Green is fine, no worries. :) I've had that happen before and after surgery. As long as its not red or black, you are good to go.
   — juliebelle0402

December 10, 2007
A lot of stuff that has any kind of blue, or black food coloring in it will turn your poop green. Popcicles come to mind. If you've been eating popcicles, chances are that the food cloring has made it change colors. (JUST AN OPINION>>>>NOT A DOCTOR) :)
   — Lisa S.

December 10, 2007
I'm beginning to think green is the only color available!
   — LuvNSummer

December 10, 2007
I know when I saw my gyn this year, she asked if I was taking iron. When I said yes she said this gives a green tinge so it meant everything was ok
   — shrinker

December 10, 2007
It depends on what color you badrhoom was to begin with. You can paint or some people prefer wallpaper.
   — mrwolnik

December 10, 2007
Do you still have your gallbladder?

December 10, 2007
Green is ok. I had the same thing and my surgeon said it was most likely bile from my stapled off stomach. Your old stomach keeps working and secreting bile but it no longer has anything to work on so it just comes out with your bowel movement.
   — cherub13

December 10, 2007
I'm sorry, I can't let Rick's answer go unnoticed!! I laughed until I cried! I bet you are a fun date! :)
   — Martina B.

December 12, 2007
Yeah, he was real funny, LOL.
   — KRWaters

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