Can we eat bread sticks?

I absolutley love Pillsbury Bread Sticks that you make yourself. I eat two as a meal. They have 7grs of fat and 5 grams of protein. I know,I know Carbs. But I was told you have to have some.......    — TONYA B. (posted on January 22, 2003)

January 21, 2003
Bread sticks have protein???? Hmmm. I want some now. Never heard of these.
   — Danmark

January 21, 2003
We CAN HAVE whatever we want- Snickers Bars have 8 grams of protein (at least), but it doesnt mean we should have it for Dinner! Eat some protein (fish, chicken, beef)along with a veggie and a breadstick (three bites of protein to every bite of everything else, even candy)!
   — ~~Stacie~~

January 21, 2003
You can eat bread???? I envy you. I LOVED bread, but I cannot tolerate it at all anymore. I am a little over 2 months post-op (surgery 11/12/02) and bread makes me very nauseous and makes me vomit at times. I can eat part of an english muffin, but it takes me a while and I MUST take very small bites. I miss bread terribly. Isn't so funny how we all have the same operation, but our bodies react so differently! It just amazes me.
   — Lori F.

January 21, 2003
Tonya, Must be lucky to be able to do bread sticks, I can do regular bread, White or wheat but forget the bread sticks, I tried a bite a while back I think when I was like 5 months post op, (Pizza hut bread stick) and vomited so hard it was unreal... My advice, just chew chew chew....... I would even just take a nibble and let it be..... Post op 8 months down 110 pounds
   — tannedtigress

January 21, 2003
Tonya, I looked at your profile and saw that you are at a 22 BMI. Great job! I may be speaking out of turn here, but at this point in the journey I'd be looking to maintain a normal lifestyle and not worry so much about weight loss anymore. Maintaining a normal lifestyle to me means being able to eat something that you enjoy. As long as your getting your nutrients in I'd go for it without guilt. Congrats on getting to goal!
   — Michael N.

January 21, 2003
Yes, you can have a bread stick if you can tolerate them(I can too)But Stacey O is really need to eat your LOW carb protein first then some veggies or fruit THEN enjoy that breadstick(ohhh they are sooo good);)We really need to be getting our "neccessary" carbs from our veggies and fruits instead of the starches. Enjoy that breadstick but make sure you are really getting the nutrients and protein you need first, cause you gotta take care of YOU!!!
   — Deanna_K

January 22, 2003
Tonya, here are my 2 cents, yes have some carbs, but, bread sticks are WHITE BREAD, if you are gonna do carbs/bread, eat something dark, ie wheat, pumpernickel, etc....They are better for you and higher in fiber and the fiber kinda cancels out some of the carbs.
   — heathercross

January 22, 2003
We can eat anything we want to! As long as you are getting in your quota of protein thru other sources during the day, go ahead and have your bread sticks. It is funny though how some can eat things like bread easily and others can't at all. For me, for some reason I dump big time on Chinese/Japanese food-anything with teriyaki/soy. Used to love it pre-op and 11 months later, it is the ONLY thing I still cannot eat. Go figure!
   — Cindy R.

January 22, 2003
Carbs cause plateaus...temporary or permanent. Bread Sticks are Carbs. Therefore, if you are at the weight you want to be, then eat bread sticks. It is that simple.
   — lee J.

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