
   — robertson (posted on June 20, 2006)

June 20, 2006
Hi Penny - I drink Muscle Milk that I get from GNC or sometimes the grocery store. it comes in chocolate, vanilla, and banana. I really only like the choclolate. the banana was very odd and i haven't tried the vanilla. on the protein bars - i love the power crunch bars. triple chocolate is my favorite. good luck!
   — akirsch

June 20, 2006
I have been through the hoops with finding what I like best... I have learned from sabotage it is more important to change the process of the way we think about food and not worry about anything other than getting rid of an obese mind set. I have gone from 327 to 140 to 198 to 156 and now to 125. I keep my weight right at 130 w/ 17% body fat and much lean muscle... I focus on giving myself nutrition with protein and have learned how to eat properly... I do love my protein bars... YUMMY.... chocalate fudge Do I ever get off track...yes, but I know the differerence in what my body needs and what it is scared of! Find that "WHY" and you will overcome "TROUBLE" Let me know if this helped you.. How many months out are you and have you had trouble with learning to guide the tool and how to learn new skills? Just always remain teachable and stay on Obesity help...It is a great additional tool we have and everyone on here is truley giving so much of their time for YOU! I am excited about the posibility of having this amazing site around and it getting biger by the day! Good luck... Celeste...Check out my story! Unreal photos! from 327 to 125 If I can ...anyone can! Now a figure competitor! I love the new me! I found my "WHY"
   — shakeyourweight

June 20, 2006
Protein bars are still food . . . not digested, poorly absorbed, if at all. I don't count them as protein, just snacks. I only count protein from shakes. Go to, and keep trying shakes until you find yours!
   — rayehawk

June 20, 2006
Penny - my mentor told me about Isopure liquid at GNC. I bought the blue raspberry, orange pineapple banana, grapefrost and alpine punch. They are simply delicious, as I can not tolerate the whey protein, too thick. The Isopure liquid is the consistency of koolaid. It is great. I haven't had the surgery yet, but I do have my surgeons appointment for July 6. LOL with everything. Peggy
   — Peggy1

June 20, 2006
Protein bars do not sit well with me. They also have aton of calories. If you get creative you cna find a shake that you like... do you like the taste of coffee? I make a shake every morning from whey gourmet cappuccino flavor... I put in 1 cup of carb countdown fat free milk, ice cubes, i scoop protein and davinci flavored syrup (sugar free) either butterscotch, caramel or the like and is so good just like a frozzen frapuccino...very good...also achiev one lattes (at are very tasty. Keep looking there are some nasty proteins out there (I could not do any designer whey) and there are some great ones. Bars are very fatty /calorie filled, and heavy. Good luck to you!!!
   — SteffieBear15

June 21, 2006
I use the Atkins protein bars. They have hardly any sugar alcohols.
   — Tiff

June 21, 2006
I do a little of each. I don't tolerate the protein shakes well either the only ones I remember from long ago was from Herbalife they never bothered my tummy. As for the Protein bar I'm using Quaker Oats Smart Bars 10GM Protein with 110 Cal in Vanilla/Almond/Cranberry or Chocolate/Peanutbutter both are delicious when I can't get all the protein I need. I've tried several different kinds of bars most are either to "sweet" or to "gritty" like eating gravel. I've gotten where I enjoy the simple things a whole lot better now. I know when I get all of my 60 plus grams a day my weight comes off easier I'm down 100lbs since 2/22/06
   — Deborah Joyner

June 21, 2006
I too have trouble with protein shakes. I have been lactose intolerant since I was 13 so, I can't stand anything that even resembles milk. I did find a protein bar at Costco, the box came with 3 different kinds and was pretty easy to get down. I also can do Slimfast High Protein bars. If You need to know the name of the protein bar, email me and I will go down stairs and get it for you! hahaha!!! Oh and think small and then gradually increase to what you can do. Something that works for others might not work for you. Good Luck! Regina
   — reginagoiburn

June 21, 2006
I am not suggesting a protein bar, but cooking dried lentils. they are something like split peas and are very high in protein. 1/2 cup have around 25 gm of protein.Lots of fiber. Look on internet for recipes. I made mine by putting chopped onions into the soaked lentils, put chicken broth in, salt and pepper and cajun spice since I didn't have the other spices mentioned. The first I ate didn't have a very strong flavor, but after leaving in the refrigerator overnight, the flavors mingled and it was very good. All beans and that type vegetables are very high in protein. And it sure beats shakes or bars.
   — geneswife

June 22, 2006
HI PENNY! HERE IS YOUR ANSWER: Go to GNC - buy WHEY PROTEIN- UNFLAVORED. You can take this and add it into ANYTHING: Iced Tea, PROPEL, Dannon Light & Fit yogurt, lemonade, cold coffee, soup, Kool Aid- whatever YOU want. One scoop=21gms protein, x3= 60gms daily. It took me 10mos to figure this out. I also do Muscle Milk & Oats (instant oatmeal) for 32gms- very low in sugar. ALso- If you are interested in a Sports Drink- at GNC- try the Cytomax Fusion- its delicous- better than Gatorade- and its 4gms sugar per 8oz. Mix that with theProtein- and you have a GREAT After workout recovery drink. Also- I would recommend NECTAR brand protein- sold at vitamin shops & Ballys. I love the Fuzzy Navel, lemonade and Iced Tea. But now that I discovered HOW GREAT the UNFLAVORED protein is working out- I mix the protein with my yogurt, mix it with Diet Az Iced Tea, with Decaf Cold cofffee..and it BLENDS BEAUTIFULLY. IT IS THE BEST $27 YOU SPEND. - 10 MOS POST OP & DOWN 110LBS. DONNA
   — nybabe

June 22, 2006
PENNY- on ISOPURE LIQUID H20 - This is a great product- EXCEPT that it has a copper penny aftertaste- regasrdless what flavor. Initially as a Baby Postop- I didnt like it. IT HAS 40gms protein in 20oz- which also works towards your water for the day- HERE IS WHAT I RECOMMEND: MANGO- PEACH ISOPURE. ITS NEW & I CUT IT WITH PEACH PROPEL and its great. I ALSO RECOMMEND DRINKING IT POST WORKOUT- AS IT IS- FOR RECOVERY. If you can't find it - ask at GNC. THEY JUST SPECIAL ORDERED MINE. TOOK A FEW DAYS. IM THRILLED . BETWEEN THIS- THE MUSCLE MILK & OATS & UNFLAVORED WHEY PROTEIN- IM ROCKIN AT 80GMS+ DAILY. Remember:the more you workout- the more nutrients and protein your body needs. Not less, you need more. Contact me with any questions- Donna
   — nybabe

June 23, 2006
Power Crunch Bars. 14 g of protein and only 5 sugars in each bar. I'm in TX and here we can get them at HEB grocery stores or CostPlus Nutrition stores. I have seen them online too. I know some folks say they aren't as good as the shakes for getting in protein. I've also never been a fan of shakes.
   — SARose61

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