Burning sensation in my stomach?

Im 5 weeks post op from my Gastric bypass. For the past two day i have this burning sensation in my stomach thats pretty uncomfortable and complete loss of my appetiet, i dont think its an ulcer because its not that painful it just pretty uncomfortale burning. Has anyone expericed this? Could it be i need a stronger antacid????    — venessa24 (posted on May 14, 2011)

May 14, 2011
I am five months post op. I too had the burning in my stomach and could not eat. I went to a group meeting a few weeks ago and no one else in the room seemed to have this problem. I also had to force myself to eat. I am now on Tecta as I had ulcers years ago. It certainly helps. Hope this helps.
   — wendybrook

May 14, 2011
Make sure you have not taken any Insaids, that is any, Advil, Aleve, aspirin, anything for inflamation, or any antibiotics. After I had weight-loss surgery, I couldn't take many antibiotics that before didn't bother me. Also, in my 4th month post op, even after being negative in testing pre-op, I developed H-pylori. So if this pain continues, you need to get back to your surgical center and get tested. Stay on a bland diet until you can see your doctor. Look up H-pylori on Web-MD or Wiki, and see if it sounds like you. See your doctor. Hope this helps! Good luck!!
   — lesleigh07

May 14, 2011
Hi, I agree with the prev two posts - see your doctor asap. Are you getting in as much water as you can? And in addition to avoiding NSAIDS (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) i.e ibuprofen, advil to name a few becareful of some over the counter cold medications and bisphosphonates -which are taken for osteporosis and other similar conditions. There is a link right here in which has lots of information about taking medications after bariatric surgery: Take care, susan
   — sroberts

May 15, 2011
dont think its an ulcer? when will you think its an ulcer? when you need surgery, CALL YOUR DOCTOR, 6 days out all i did was throw up,the pa said i was dumping he said i wasnt following the plan, 6 weeks out and absoluty nothing more then a tablespoon of water at a time, i finally got a endo and i had a ulcer, CALL YOUR DOC.........
   — dixienormous

May 15, 2011
I am 4 months post op.....CALL YOUR DR ASAP...MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO GO SEE HIM AS WELL...ITIS GOING TO BE ONE OF TWO THINGS....YOU EITHR HAVE AN ULCER OR A BLOCKEAGE IN EITHER CASE THIS HAS TO BE RECTIFIED BEFORE YOU END UP IN THE HOSPITAL...i went through it I ended up having a blockeage which I eneded up being hospitalized again due to the fact that I was so dehidrated from lack of liquid consumtion that I thought I was going to die...I couldnt walk I couldnt breathe it was horrific...once I had the endoscopy and they fixed the blockeage i felt 100% better.....Good luck
   — Jovanna P.

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