Can anyone tell me the difference in Panniculectomy vs Abdominoplasty?

Which is more likely to be approved by insurance?    — kydoll (posted on December 29, 2003)

December 29, 2003
the panniculectomy is just trimming the excess skim Abdominoplasty is pulling it tighter and doing the muscles too. the ins. only pays for the panni. they dont pay for abd. plasty. Im having a full Abd plasty jan 22nd. and a breast reduction and lift. I'm excited and scared to go through another surgery. the Rny went very well was up and going 5 days after surgery/ driving and shopping but I just dont do the being inactive thing well so that is why Im stressed. best of luck to you.
   — Joan W.

December 29, 2003
The difference is in the tighting of the muscles. I am scheduled for TT, breast lift and arms on Feb. 3. My insurance is paying for the TT but not the others. Good Luck with your surgery. LAP RNY 8-28-02 down 120 lbs.
   — Linda K.

December 29, 2003
My insurance paid for my abdominoplasty due to diastasis of the muscle as well as my breast red/lift. I had documented rashes and back pain as well as the muscle separation. I say it cant hurt to get your act together and submit it to the IC you never know ! mine even paid for revisions to my TT. Best wishes.
   — Lesley T.

December 29, 2003
There is no guarantee that either will be covered by insurance. However, BCBS has approved a full extended abdominoplasty to be done in 2 stages (strange anatomy requires 2 surgeries) for me. I am also trying to get them to approve the lateral thigh lift which will give me the best results and the most relief of back pulling/pain. I do not think BCBS would have approved either a panniculectomy or abdominoplasty if it wasn't for my history of back problems. There needs to be some documented medical problem that can be resolved or substantially helped in order to have it covered. At least in the case of BCBS. <p>Panni removes just the roll of skin and not tons of reconstructive work. An abdominoplasty does the panni but also tightens muscles and does more reshaping etc.
   — zoedogcbr

December 31, 2003
Hi. What Chris says is the best description. I might add that a panni is simply removing the roll of skin, and there is little regard for the way the upper abdomen, waist, hips, and back all look. The various types of body lifts and Aplasties seek to create a balance of all these areas and often include liposuction and more advanced techniques to get the ebst results.
   — DrL

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