When you've gotten this far and it goes bad, what to do?

It's 12/22/02 and I was set for surgery 12/30/02. It's been postponed until 2/6/03-or longer. 2 Questions: #1 How do you possibly cope with the emotional upset of getting this close, this prepared and now-not going to happen? The disapointment is staggering and feels unbarable! #2 How do you stop yourself from bingeing due to the level of stress and upsetment your now under because of the postponement? Got-ta-tell-ya I'm stumped!    — MaryLisa D. (posted on December 22, 2002)

December 21, 2002
MaryLisa - How upsetting! Was it postponded because of something with you? If so, then focus on that they are trying to be extremely safe and make sure you come through with flying colors. If it's a delay that's not related to you then I can only say I would feel the same way. Upset, disappointed, angry, want to stuff myself, etc. Use your suport system to help you through this time. If you have any hobbies do one of them if not pick one up - cross-stitch? Something to help you pass the time. As far as the bingeing just remember it will have to come back off. Try and keep it somewhat controlled but do what you need to do to get your feeling back under control - but limit your binge to no more than 1 day. It's not worth increasing your risk of surgery to gain a bunch of weight. Focus on that the less you gain the safer the surgery will be. My thoughts are with you! Maybe someone will cancel and you will be able to move up - I will keep all good thoughts for a move up! Take Care!
   — zoedogcbr

December 22, 2002
they stopped mine at 11 pm after i took all the medication to clean me out the docter wanted my heart checked out by a diffrent heart docter it was okay but it took me another month for the surgery to take place that was 10/5/2001 down 180 but still another 80 to go it is a mind blower but being fair the docter wanted to make sure everything was okay ted
   — ted M.

December 22, 2002
My original surgery day was Nov. 29th 2001, but due to a cold they rescheduled me until Dec 18th 2001. I went through taking all of the meds and clean out medicine only to call to find out what my surgery time was and they hadn't put me on the surgery schedule. So, I was recheduled for Jan 11,2002. That didn't happen either. They called me a few days before and changed it again to Jan 10, 2002. With all of the changes I knew it would happen when it was supposed to. We are kind of that their mercy. I am almost a year out now and would go through it all again it I had to. I am down 181lbs so far so it was all worth it! Good Luck and Take Care...
   — toni D.

December 22, 2002
my surgery was changed three times. the first was because of insurance paperwork, the second I was in the operation holding area and 10 mins. before my surgery they stopped it because they wanted to run another ekg on me because they thought there was problem, so they took out the iv in my arm disconnected every thing else and sent me home for two weeks, but finally on the third try it was a go. you just have to****grin and bear it***** the wait is well worth it. 10 months and 92lbs. thinner. GOOD LUCK< GOD BLESS
   — Janice O.

December 22, 2002
You've waited all your life for this, whats a few more months or less? Look at it that way-just a brief hiccup in the big scheme of things. It hasn't been cancelled, just postponed. How is getting upset helping you? Do you have any control over the date of your surgery? No, so why are you letting something you have no control over, control you? As for the binging, its the stress and emotions..if you let go of the stress, you'll probably stop binging..
   — Cindy R.

December 23, 2002
Pray. Pray that God gives you the strength and patience you need to wait until your surgery. Pray that your date doesn't change again. And trust that things happen for a reason. You might be better prepared a couple of months from now. I'm sorry that you're having to wait though, I can only imagine how upsetting that has been for you. Best wishes:)!
   — Kimmie C.

December 29, 2002
First, know that you're not alone when you're cancelled or post-poned. Read my profile; I was post-poned/cancelled at least 4 times. Second, don't worry about the pre-op bingeing - as long as you don't gain too much weight. Some doctors will cancel your surgery if you gain too much, because they're afraid of complications. Third, pray, talk, and try to keep busy. Remember, this will pass.
   — Kathy J.

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