Is it true that the heavier you are the faster you loose the weight?

How much did you post-ops loose and how fast?    — mischief85 (posted on August 27, 2002)

August 27, 2002
Hi there...I started out at 441lbs and have lost 142lbs. I am 7 1/2 mos post op.
   — toni D.

August 27, 2002
I started at 370 and have lost 134 in 7months. I know that you will hate this but men loose faster than women SORRY!!:)
   — Robert L.

August 27, 2002
Actually what you put in your body vs. what your body burns equals what you lose. WLS is not some "great" mystery miracle to figure out. It is just the simple reduction of the size of your stomach that limits your food intake, much like a diet- but way easier to maintain. Less food, equals weight loss. What you start at is all moot. The speed in which you lose is the same (percentage wise) of those who are smaller. Of course the larger will TECHNICALLY lose "faster" as they have more to lose! Still, in most cases, both people will "lose" the same percentage wise.
   — Karen R.

August 27, 2002
I had surgery 14 weeks ago started at 304 and lost 77 pounds.
   — Sassy M.

August 27, 2002
I started out at 375 pounds. Had lap RNY on May 7, 2002. I now weigh 304 pounds (3 and a half months post op).
   — Sarah K.

August 27, 2002
There is the theory out there that because bigger people took a higher caloric level to maintain that weight, that they lose faster than the "lightweights".
   — John Rushton

August 27, 2002
My turn! My turn! ;o) I had open RNY on May 3rd, 16.5 weeks ago. The week before surgery I lost 9 pounds so on my surgery date, I weighed 298. I now weigh 228, for a total loss of 79 pounds. :o)
   — Jennifer A.

August 27, 2002
From looking at all the numbers... the more you weight, the faster you lose in the beginning, but it slows down for everyone, its just a question of when, I would think. I'm two months out, as of yesterday and I've lost 54 pounds. I started out at 372, so I was not a light weight, though I dream someday of someone calling me that. Good luck!
   — Lisa C.

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