Plateau? or stand still?

I have lost 80 pounds and that came in the first four months. For the last three months, I have been at the same weight up and down 5 pounds. Is this just an extra long plateau or do I need to start a "diet". :( very sad if I have to "diet".    — aremat (posted on July 17, 2007)

July 16, 2007
Hi Dean, increase your water and protein intake. Same thing happened to me and this was what my doctor said to do. Best of Luck, Mickey..........
   — MCraig3

July 17, 2007
you need to increase your protien. the easiest way to know the min. amount of portien to have on a daily basis is to divided your body weight in half and will tell you how much to have in order to lose weight
   — Jenney

July 17, 2007
WLS Plateau Buster Do This For 10 Days To Break A Plateau # 1 - Drink at least 64 oz. of water a day, as close to 128 oz. if possible. # 2 - You must have 45 grams of protein supplement and all your vitamin & mineral supplements each day. # 3 - You may consume up to 3 oz. of the following high-protein foods, 5 times a day: a.. beef, b.. pork, c.. chicken, d.. turkey, e.. lamb, f.. fish, g.. eggs, h.. low-fat cheese, i.. cottage cheese, j.. plain yogurt (or artificially sweetened), k.. peanut butter, l.. beans/legumes. # 4 - You may also have: a.. sugar-free popsicles (avoid juice popsicles), b.. tea or coffee, c.. sugar-free Jello, d.. broths & bouillons, e.. Crystal Lite drinks (Walmart's Brand is the same but cheaper). # 5 - IF IT IS NOT ON THE LIST YOU MAY NOT HAVE IT! # 6 - Keep a food diary and try to get 30 minutes of exercise daily.
   — Michael Eak

July 18, 2007
Hi Dean, thanks for writing. You are struggling through a possible plateau. I say possible because I don't have enough information to say for sure. I would ask you to ask yourself, am I getting enough good protein sources in every day? Then ask, am I drinking at least 64 oz of water every day AND staying away from caffine and carbonated beverages? Then ask, how much exercise can I get in EVERY DAY, up to 6 days a week. If you are maximizing those 3 items every week, then you are on a plateau. The amazing thing about you is that you have lost 80 pounds in 4 months. That's 20 pounds a month (just in case you didn't to the math:)). That is a very fast weight loss, and your body could very well be saying "Wait up buddy, I need to slow down". If you are maximizing your efforts that I asked above, then you need to just wait it out for a while. When your body has caught up to the changes you are going through, IF YOU ARE FAITHFUL TO YOUR PART OF THE TASK, WATER, PROTEIN, & EXERCISE, then you will lose again. Stick with the program. If you find there is MORE you can do, like more water, better protein, less garbage or junk food if you are having any, and upgrading your exercise. Walk more, vary your routine, buy a few inexpensive weights and do a little upper body work, etc. If you can beef up your program, do that and see if it helps. Hope this helps, and that you don't get discouraged. Our bodies struggle to lose all this weight, we HAVE to be be patient with our bodies and work with them. You will win the battle with patients, faithfulness and perserverance! Take care. Patricia P
   — Patricia P

July 18, 2007
Your mention of that nasty four letter word "diet" in your question makes me wonder what you mean. What type of eating plan are you following are you sticking with the recommended WLS eating guidlelines or eating everything. I'm asking because I did just that, I ate just about anything, in moderation yes because you cant eat as much as before WLS. I tested foods and nothing bothered me, not even sweets. So yes, I came to a stand still at 8 months and 5 years later I found that I had gained back 30 of what I had originally lost. I also did absolutely no exercise during that 1st year. So yes, now at 5 years, I have come to accept that 4 letter word "diet" as an absolute necessity if I am going to keep off the weight. I have been following a low gycemic index diet and exercising 1hr 6 days a week and the lbs are holding on hard to my body coming off at a painfully slow rate. So please, dont let a stand still at 7 months post op turn into 5 years of wasted opportunity like me. Accept that a healthy diet and exercise need to be a part of your life every day.
   — SARose61

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