good and bad experiences in drinking soda post-op please

i am 6weeks post-op and dying for a soda, i know its a no no but i know some of you out there have tried it or are now currently drinking it occasionally. please tell my your experience,i havent tried it. does it cause pain or just makes you gassy, what? thanks in advance! tiff    — TIFFANY R. (posted on July 24, 2003)

July 24, 2003
I'm not trying to be difficult, but if you know it's a "no-no" and you know you could potentially have pain, why would you even try??
   — antiques55

July 24, 2003
My surgeon suggested that I open the soda and let it sit to allow some of the carbonation to disperse. I drink at least one diet (no caffeine) soda a few times a week with no problems gas or otherwise. Diet Sprite is my favorite.
   — Marie S.

July 24, 2003
I have tried a few times to have some soda (I am 15 months post-op), but have always have a very full, sickening feeling afterwards. I occassionally take a sip of my hubby's Diet Coke and spit it out (at home, of course ;) just to taste it again - I am a reformed junkie. But that yucky feeling is not worth it. I like Grape SF Kool Aid more!
   — kultgirl

July 24, 2003
I was a diet pepsi junkie pre-op, but I have not had one in almost 10 months. At 6 months my surgeon said I could have one, but when I took a sip of my husband's diet pepsi I immediately had a terrible feeling in my pouch. It felt like I was going to explode and then I started to burb. Definately not worth it, I find a glass of ice water or crystal lite is best. Believe me as time passes you will not miss it so much.
   — ckreh

July 24, 2003
I accidentally had a carbonated drink a few days post op and ended up in the ER doubled over in terrible pain.I didnt know it then but have since found out that ICEE drinks are carbonated (never knew that)and a few minutes after having a few sips of one I was nauseated, dry heaving and in indescribable pain so I would say DONT DO IT!
   — Lisa F.

July 24, 2003
I drink diet sodas once or twice per week . The key for me is to make sure to put it in a glass full of ice and let it sit for a few minutes. I cannot tolerate drinking straight from a can or bottle as it really HURTS my pouch (only tried it a couple of times with the same results). Barb Open RNY 4/07/03 235/175/126-130
   — Barbara C.

July 24, 2003
I wouldn't suggest trying this so soon post-op, but maybe you could buy a popsicle mold and freeze some diet soda, and have it as a treat instead of a drink. The freezing should get rid of most of the carbonation.
   — beeda

July 24, 2003
I think I tried my first soda at about 4 months post-op. Way too sweet, and after just a few sips, was burping like crazy and it felt uncomfortable in the pouch. At 17 months post-op, every one in a while, I get a hankering for one and have no problem with it now, but i have a hard enough time getting in all that water, never mind soda!
   — Cindy R.

July 24, 2003
Hi..I tried diet pepsi at about 6 weeks and could'nt stand the taste. But at about 4 months post-op itried again. It tasted great! I let a small amount sit in my mouth until bubbles were gone then swallowed. It took me about an hourto drink 8 ounces. Now at 1 year I drink a diet pepsi everyday and have no problems. I'm even able to take 4-5 swallows at a time. But I do have to burp to relieve the gas.Best Wishes!
   — Sheryann Z.

July 24, 2003
I am 2 1/2 years post op and I still do not/can not drink diet sodas from a can. OMG!!! The feeling/pain is incredible. However, I can and do frequently drink diet soda from a fountain!! I suppose it's the ice that makes it enjoyable. I will get a large diet drink and drink on it all day. By about the 2nd hour, all of the carbonation is gone and I just enjoy the diluted taste. My surgeon told me that I would know if my pouch were stretching--it would HURT!! That's why I do not drink diet sodas from a can, I am assuming this is the stretching feeling that others talk about. However, I am certain that by drinking a diluted fountain diet soda with no discomfort at all, I am not doing myself any harm. I have done this for some time and am maintaining effortlessly. So, it's working for me...Shelley
   — Shelley.

July 24, 2003
Some surgeons say yes, some no. I didnt drink soda at all for a long time; then finally 'had one' about 6 months post. It tasted TERRIBELE. About 1 year post started drinking 'more'.. One thing that can 'happen' is a 'gas attack'... I drank a soda, and then had 'terrible' pains... I am almost 3 years post and drink soda regularly. The main thing is the caffeine issue.. If you drink too much..
   — star .

July 24, 2003
Diet soda is fine to drink occasionally once you are several months post op... BUT ONLY if you pour it over ice in a large glass to disperse the carbonation. It is uncomfortable to drink from the bottle or can... the bubbles fill up your pouch and can cause discomfort and terrible belch's... ugh. If I am on a road trip... I will get some diet vanilla coke, pour some out and then shake up the bottle several times, until it is flat. At home I pour it from about 2 feet into a tall glass full of ice and let it sit until the ice and time makes it flat. I like the taste and I am 26 months post op... so I occasionally have some as a treat. ONLY DIET SODA. Just dont do it until you are several months post op... dont drink regular sugar soda... dont drink it from a can or bottle... and dont get hooked on it and move to the regular stuff. IN MODERATION. ciao, suze
   — SusanMaria

July 24, 2003
Carbonated drinks will strech your pouch. You have to make sure it's flat before drinking it if you don't want to do any damage.
   — Tove Annelise H.

July 24, 2003
This is yet another topic where you'll get very different answers. My surgeon says there is no way carbonation can stretch the pouch. He suggested not trying soda for 6 months because it can be uncomfortable due to gas. That said, I am 3 months post-op and have been having 1 glass a day for the past 3-4 weeks, no problems at all. I drink water and crystal light the rest of the time. It still tastes great to me.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 24, 2003
Soda won't stretch your pouch... you'll burp or fart out the gas before then. Not trying to be rude or gross, but just state the fact that the body has a way to release the gas. I started to drink diet pop soon after wls. Hmmm, maybe two weeks or less. But it IS painful for the first 6 months or so, unless you flatten it. Actually, caned pop still can be painful even at two years out. I like to flatten my pop by putting in artificial sugar. It takes over half the fizz out and it tastes better too. As a new post op, you ought to flatten it, and don't drink to much of it. We can make better drink choices however there is nothing wrong with some diet pop in moderation. But personally, it would be wise to wait as long as possible post op before drinking it. Your pouch is healing early on. Why put it through it? We really need water, not pop. :)
   — Danmark

August 1, 2003
I can drink any kind of pop pretty much without a problem...if I drink non-diet pop though, I get horrible gas!!!
   — fropunka

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