Whew! I can clear my intestines and a room!!!!!

What is this?!!! No one told me pre-operatively that the smell of your gas or bowel movement will be so strong a stench that it will clear a room. I can't even "ease out" gas like normal people because you can actually SMELL this one. I've even vomitted twice after smelling it. Can this be fixed? Will it ever go away? Please say Yes.... PLEASE!!! I am married and sometimes I can pass gas downstairs and my husband smells it upstairs. Sometimes he may be coming downstairs to hang out with me, but if I recently passed gas, it chokes him when he's coming downstairs and then he'll go back upstairs. I know this may sound comical, I'm even laughing some as I type, but it is really embarrassing and it makes me feel dejected. Please advise...... ANYBODY!!!    — Poodie01 (posted on August 18, 2008)

August 18, 2008
Bad smelling gas is usually caused by sugar...You are eating too many carbs. Do the 5 DPT and get rid of the carb monsster and you will be AMAZED what it feels like to not have gas and that sugar actually causes it. Try some probiotcs to help with this...of course though the more sugar you eat the harder it is to ever get rid of the gas...Welcome to the RNY carb monster...This is why it is named that...It's like ssomething from the pits of hell'o live in your guts....Cut out the sugar and white carbs and you get rid of the gas...Give it time though...take probiotics too ...they are good bacteria that eat bad bacteria in your intestines that are fed by carbs...It's cray what goes on inside of us....
   — .Anita R.

August 18, 2008
I am 3 weeks post op and I am still stinking up the house :( I dont now how long this will last, but I am really sick of hearing "It's normal" This is by no means normal to me.
   — poohisme2

August 18, 2008
I understand that there are drugs/chemicals you can take that wll make the odor of the BMs and gas better. I felt like mine were really foul and all I got was tons of good air freshener. About the time I invested in some large quantity it all cleared up (~ 8 weeks or so out from WLS). It hasn't come back and I am 8.5 months out. Good luck!
   — jujuprof

August 18, 2008
OK< mom, after you read my answer, I am going be your best friend. Check out DEVROM.COM. There is a fairly inexpensive pill you can take that gets rid of the smell...not the gas...but the smell. It makes it easier, especially on family if they know there is not nuclear waste to smell after the thunder. I have not used it as I live alone and my cats don't complain, and never had much gas with it anyway, but I heard about it at a support meeting and the lady who told us about it was delirious with joy! She said it started working within a day. Good luck. See? I'm your best friend. Lyn
   — SkinnyLynni2B

August 18, 2008
LOL I had to respond to this question, it had me rolling in laughter. I haven't had my surgery yet, I'm suppose to be getting a lapband done. Is all this gas from having a lap band done? I hope not. :0) Someone told me that drinking one tsp. of vanilla makes the gas smell better. Not sure if it works but it might be worth a try... YIKES I sure hope I don't get this gas you're talking about, I think my husband would throw me out of the house. LOL
   — Sheila L.

August 18, 2008
I am pre-op right now and I understand. Gas-X chewables has helped some. I still have some gas but no where near as bad and it only last for a short time after I eat.
   — phyllismmay

August 18, 2008
Try "Digestive Advantage" brand, "Gas Defense Formula." "helps stop intestinal gas before it starts." It has Bacillus Coagulans, Inulin, and several other ingredients to provide pro-biotics and "stuff" to the intestines and stomach to maintain a healthy digestive system and prevent gas, bloating.... You take one or 2 tablets per day, just like you do your vitamins. It may take a week or two to see results, but it does help. Also, as the other people here said; carbohydrates/sugars will greatly increase gas. Try to avoid these foods like the plague. Avoid foods that list "Sugar alcohols" in their ingredients; sugar alcohols cause gas like you wouldn't believe! Sugar alcohols are common in "sugar free" candies and chocolates.
   — Gina S.

August 18, 2008
I have tears rolling down my face. I have actually made my husband mad enough to pull the car over and try to push me out because of the smell. Thank you so much for sharing in my joy. It's a great way to rid one of their enemies.
   — Breathin4him

August 18, 2008
This can be a common problem among post ops, but does not affect everyone in the same way.Your digestive system has been "rearranged" and this is probably the primary reason for your dilemma. This topic is discussed at almost every support group I attend. I heartedly recommend you or other post ops attend, as you'll learn so much. You'll also find others who have similar experiences after surgery, and can gain insight on solutions to these issues. I attend 3 support meetings per month, and find them very beneficial to my wt loos process. DAVE
   — Dave Chambers

August 18, 2008
This does happen and as a prior author wrote, Devrom should really help a lot. Good luck to you. Dawn
   — DawnVic

August 18, 2008
I am not sure how far out you are, but as previous posters said... Devrom, gas x strips and low carb/healthy carbs all help. I find it a good deterent to eat healthy, especially at work. I am almost 2 years out. If I eat chips or pretzels I have horrible gas!
   — robinmarra

August 18, 2008
I use Devrom too. It is awesome!!! I am very gassy and was before the surgery and am more so now. Devrom has saved my life :-)
   — Ladysmilesmuch

August 18, 2008
I haven't had my surgery yet so can't be of much help...BUT...I wanted to Thank YOU for making my day ~ I don't think I've ever laughed so hard so early in the morning !! :-)) Thanks for "sharing" !!
   — debz_58

August 18, 2008
the cause of my noxious fumes is when i eat too many carbs or high fat foods. it was terrible before i would got myself back on track. my mother would literally hold her head out the car window if i passed gas, it was that bad. i've recently gotten myself back on track with my eating and have regained control of my bowel movements (they were almost uncontrollable), and the fumes have 100% dissappeared!! maybe you can change how your eating for help. best of luck!!
   — christielyons

August 18, 2008
My boyfriend calls me swamp ass. I dont smell but have alot of gas and I asked the Dr about it and the gas is from your intestines being so short and that will never go away. I am addicted to life savers. I eat them all day and I am sorry I dont stink. So I ahve never heard of sugar making you smell.
   — Joanc

August 18, 2008
I smell your pain. I had this problem before I ever had the RNY. I have IBS (irritable bowel syndrom) and my most distressing symptom is/was really foul smelling gas, and more than "normal" amounts. It did come to the point that I was feelling dejected and unloved, even though my husband knew it was nothing I could control. By doing some research online I learned that champignon mushrooms are known as an internal deoderizor and I found some capsuls at a company called Natural Health Consultants. The product is called Pro-M. These worked really phenomenally for me for years. After surgery, the IBS and the accompanying gas were almost a non-issue for about 10 months, then I got a infection in my belly-button (droopy skin problem) and had to take anti-biotics. Anti-biotics are known for disturbing the delicate balance of bacteria in the colon. I had to get some of the Devroom to deal with the smell, took probiotics, ate yogurt, tried to be careful of the carbs that turn to sugar, go easy on the cheese (seems to be one of my IBS triggers) and things seem to be fairly well under control again, altough I do have to pop one of the Devroom occaisionally - like someone else said they do work fairly immediately. I wish you "sweet winds" and smooth sailing.
   — canim150

August 19, 2008
I'm sorry, but I have been doing nothing but laughing so hard I have tears starting while reading this!! I have not had any surgery yet, but my MIL had RNY 3 years ago, and her flatulence is so bad that she constantly carries a bottle of Glade spray with her!! We went on a dinner train about 2 years ago with the inlaws, and after dinner, oh my goodness!, everyone around us was holding their noses because of her!! This was before she was carrying the spray. Anyways, I personally want to thank each and every one of you that have suggested something for the smell!! You will save so many people from embarrassement!!
   — mommydragon2

August 19, 2008
hahahahahahaa this is so funny (for now) my husband has not had his surgery yet. He is knowN at work as --gut rot --. He waits till the shift changes to take his daily (*&$@$#%) the crew sets outside and counts victim #1 victim#2 and so on as the guys go in the BR to wash up to leave work. They walk in and run out . When he hears this it will make his day he'll be twice as deadly. Boy oh boy I'm going to have to find a way to spike his food with this devron. I love this forum so informative. thanks for the for warning !!
   — BJW12

August 20, 2008
I had surgery Monday, and i am now a one man band. My tummy has been gurgling almost non-stop since I woke up this morning. Mine seems trapped though. Hopefully nobody will be around when the monster lets loose!
   — Deana P.

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