Why do I destroy my sucess?

I had lap-band surgery in February 2009. I should weigh a lot less now but I've only lost 32 lbs. Last week I was 3 lbs away from getting into the 200 hundreds. I haven't been under 300 lbs. in 10 years. For some reason I started eating and I have now gained back 5 lbs. What's the problem? Am I crazy? I do want to be successful but why do I do this to myself. The worst part is every day I wake up and say this is the day that I get back on the right track but by mid-day I'm eating bad things again. Help! I'm feeling really bad about this.    — Cookie1257 (posted on August 5, 2009)

August 5, 2009
I was just wondering the same thing. I thought I was the only one feeling that way. I had my lapband in Jan. '09 and have lost 40lbs and last month gained 3 back. I seem to be sabatoging my success also and I can't seem to control it.
   — oneboo30

August 5, 2009
I just had my RNY done two weeks ago, and thankfully everything seems to be going well so far. I know all too well about self destruction from past experiences. I finally realized that I was afraid to loose the person that I had been for so long, so when I would find myself succeeding I would ruin it without intending to. I would think HEY no big deal if I have a little of this or a little of that, and next thing I know my scale is yelling at me and for some reason my clothes began to shrink. Truth is I was my own worst enemy. I have now accepted the fact that I need to let go of the old outer me and embrace the new me. Just take it moment by moment and remember that you are worth everything it takes to become healthy and happy. Believe in yourself. It is us who control the food we must not let the food control us. Take care and feel free to message me anytime.
   — strength3

August 5, 2009
You are NOT crazy! I had RNY done Nov. of 2009 with a good amount of success. I am 10 pounds from my "goal" weight but keep adding a pound or two here then losing them back when I go hardcore. Tomorrow I am starting the 5 day pouch test and have heard this really helps to get you back on the right track. The website is really user friendly and answered most of my questions and my surgeon said it was a great idea. I will keep you updated on my progress and good luck!
   — jdambs24

August 5, 2009
We have been taught years and years of yo-yo dieted to expect to fail. It is almost a fear of success. You might consider talking to someone. There are alot of emotional issues regarding wls. More than most people realize. Good luck and just try to be optimistic and stick to the plan, and believe you are going to do it this time, cuz you will!
   — lesleigh07

August 5, 2009
I would suggest you read "The Beck Diet Solution" By Judith S. Beck. This book has helped a lot of people. I just want to let you know you are not crazy. There are a lot of people out there doing the same thing you are doing. You were just brave enough to ask the question. Sometimes change is very scary, You are changing every aspect of your live. It takes baby steps. We all fall off the horse the key is to stop beating ourselves up and get back on the horse and ride as long and as far as we can till the horse kicks us off again. The key is to keep getting back on. I am not perfect and will fall off the horse many times, but I forgive myself and get back on the horse. Stop beating yourself up, forgive yourself and go for a ride. I hope this helps. Have a great day.
   — dsquire

August 5, 2009
You are far from crazy. I can emapathize with your situation. Like many of the others here have posted we are afraid to succeed because it comes back to if something seems to be good to be true it usually is or we don't feel we deserve to succeed because we have failed so miserably in the past. I have just finished reading a book(Adult children of alcoholics) that has helped me understand why I feel I don't deserve good things to happen to me. I am using the things I learned from the book in all areas of my life. My relationships with others, my self esteem, and letting go of my ex husband and allowing my kids to grow up and be responsible for themselves. Don't be afraid of you own success, You deserve it and are certainly worth it. Remember never settle for less than you desreve and you desereve only the best. ciao Zells_lori
   — abuddingrose

August 5, 2009
I had RNY Nov 08, and have lost 120 lbs, but these last few lbs have been very difficult. Old habits creap back in, self sabatoge starts almost daily for me, and what I have realized is that I am a compulsive over eater, and my thoughts of food and eating are not "normal" due to my addiction to food (much like a drug addict or alcoholic). My way of learning to cope with it is staying active in my support groups for WLS, and i am in the process of starting an overeaters anonyomus here in my home town. I know that I do not want to ever get back to where I was, but if I do not figure out what is making me grab the junk food, or excess food of any kind, I will end up 300+ lbs again. if anyone is interested.
   — jen_kill

August 5, 2009
Hello Vonna. I had VSG surgery in June of 2008. I have lost 75 pounds and have maintained now for about 6 months since losing it. I know what works for me is having a mind set that I am not on a diet and I am not being denied the things I want (my old eating habits). I didn't really over eat...I ate all of the wrong things. Fast foods, lots of carbs and sweets. When I had the surgery I set my mind to the fact that I wanted to eat healthy for the rest of my life. I was tired of the yo yo dieting. And thank God I have kept this mind set. If I am craving something that I used to be addicted to such as chips or dessert, I find something similar to taste that is fat free, sugar Nacho Doritos...I exchange for a few Quaker rice cakes-nacho flavored.... If I'm craving something sweet...sugar free popsicles or fat free, sugar free pudding....there are lots of things you can do you just have to be creative. It gets rid of the craving I have for food that is bad for me....and the times I have cheated a little and tried to eat a few of McDonalds french fries, they tasted like a mouth full of grease. I have now become so accustomed to my healthy eating that when I have a craving and cheat it tastes nasty to me and not at all like I remember. You just have to love yourself enough to not ever go back there again. And if it's something that I really used to crave that I don't think I would be strong enough to resist, you won't find it in my kitchen. You had the surgery for YOU, take care of YOU, find the way that works for YOU. Others opinions are helpful but you will find the answer for YOU within yourself. Just remember how excited you were before the surgery and all the reasons why you made the choice to have surgery. Keep yourself focused on your success and not your little failures. You will be just fine and you will succeed. God Bless you !!! Jodi
   — Jodi L.

August 5, 2009 Here is a link to the 5 day pouch test that discusses all the reasons for hunger. I had the RNY in June 2009. I've lost 41 lbs. It has changed the way I feel about food. I'm worried that I'll revert after a year but for is working. The weight is falling off of me. I wanted to get the lapband to begin with, but the program I went through discouraged it, stating that their patients had, had little success with it. I stomach has been shrunk, and I can't absorb as many calories...this will give me the advantage that I need. So far, so good. Here's wishing you success! I know the lapband has been successful for some folks here.
   — Teresa W.

August 6, 2009
i had the gastric sleeve on 6/17/09 so am not too familiar with the lapband procedures and such, but is it maybe time for a fill?
   — callen3640

August 6, 2009
Ok Sounds like stress is leading you to eat. This is common. You are near a major goal and so yu block your self also ocmmon. That is why the lapband is harder to work with. One thing to think about changing in your thinking. When you have something you shouldn't at noon don't write off the rest of the day and eat what ever. As soon as you see it, make the choice to do better for the rest of the day. plann out the rest of the day. Have lots of healthy snacks on hand for the days you just need to be eating. SF Pudding, yogurt, Go gurts frozen, SF popcycles or fudgecycles. Make fruit smooties and freeze them really good and good for you. You made a choice to get the band to improve your health, nowyoumust choose all day long to use the tool to your advantage. You may want to talk to someone about trigger for your eating and ways to side step them.
   — trible

August 6, 2009
I was just asking myself the same thing!!!
   — lysacat

August 6, 2009
To each of you who answered this question I would like to say congratulations! All of you have lost weight, you are all successes. I really think that all of us are afraid to succeed for one reason or another. Mine was loosing my excuse to not go out in public as much, not go swimming, dancing, intimacy, many things I was afraid to face. I got the lap-band in 2004 and lost 40 pounds. That is as far as I ever got because I learned how to trick the band (ice cream, milk shakes, any soft rich food went right through). I am getting the sleeve on Monday and hope for better success. I know now how to make this a success. My best to all of you.
   — Bonnie H.

August 6, 2009
I had rny march 3, 2009 and have only lost 63pounds.It seems like everyone is doing better than me.For about a month I didn't lose anything.It also seems like sometimes I have to force myself to eat, and other times I feel like thats all I want to do is eat.I try to eat enough protein,but can't seem to tolerate any protein powders I've found, so try to get by food,so I think I eat too much sometimes.Also need to drink more water.Really hard when at work.So I get frustrated, than want to go back to stress eating.Good luck. JoAnn

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