Thanks everyone it was a slippped band

Well on TPN right now and going to have surgery tomorrow for a slipped band. The surgeon who did my surgery was going to charge me an extra 7,000 even though I my private pay subpossibly wagood for the surgery and 1 year followup. They company he works for had a board meeting, and said he could do it for nothing, but then the head of the company, over through the decision and said I need to take out another medical loan or something. So the hospital I have been in for past 6 days said not to worry they would take care of it and the surgeon here will try and save my band. Thanks again friends and God Bless    — Cjames3259 (posted on November 18, 2009)

November 18, 2009
Sorry to hear you are having problems. Glad someone stepped up to care for you since your surgeon wouldnt!
   — kmom1420

November 18, 2009
I'll keep you in my prayers. Thankfully, they finally figured out the problem. Just so you know, there were 2 different ladies in our group who had to have their band removed. One had a slipped band and the other had an infection. Both were able to have a new Lap-Band placed about 4 months after it was removed. They had to let everything heal up first. They are both doing very well now, and are back on track. I wish you all of the best! God Bless.
   — KimM

November 18, 2009
Glad to hear you finally know what it is...I think we can deal with what we know..its harder to deal with the unknown. My prayers are with you..have a speedy recovery.
   — tootsie52

November 19, 2009
Glad you now know what the problem is. I can't believe your surgeon thats ridiculous! I am so happy someone is helping you tho. Sorry to hear about the situation and I wish you a speedy recovery! God Bless!!
   — callen3640

November 19, 2009
Yikes! Glad they figured out what it was and I hope you feel better very soon!
   — maryjo68

November 22, 2009
I just have a couple questions. How did you find out it was a slipped band and what were your symptoms if you dont mind my asking?
   — harmonysplace

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