Why a liquid diet?

I dont understand. I am so upset. I had my surgery a few days ago, and I was told I could only have broth, water, protein drink, jello and popcicles. I see on here that other people that had the same lap band surgery as me can eat cream soups and soft foods. Why is that? The broth is getting old and its making me upset. I cry most nights because there is nothing else I can have. Can anyone help me? PLEASE    — HeatherLC (posted on May 23, 2008)

May 23, 2008
Hi, and congratulations on your surgery. Your stomach needs to heal, and it needs to have the least amount to do right now. Every surgeon is different, follow your Dr's instructions. After all, it's just for a little while. You can do it.
   — azreggie

May 23, 2008
I too am on clear liquids for the first week. I am only 2 days out, but I am not hungry, and have to consciously keep track to make sure I am drinking enough. I am keeping myself busy so that I can get rid of the gas - terrible rumbling going on - never heard such a racket! I actually loved Emerel's organic vegetable broth. Try Crystal Light - orange flavor is excellent! Hang in there - we will get to have other foods and tastes soon.
   — Judy A.

May 23, 2008
Without a doubt those first few days are the hardest. Hang in there! It helped me to review (daily, if necessary) my list of reasons for having the surgery. I remember feeling so sick of my 'menu' options. I cried too and felt like it would always be that way. If you are on clear liquids, then, yes, it's pretty much broth, water-based protein, jello, popcicles and Crystal Light. Once you get to full liquids you can have milk-based drinks like Carnation Instant Breakfast (no sugar version) and the cream soups, yogurt, and pudding. Just remember that these stages are only temporary no matter how long they seem to drag on and that, compared to the rest of your life they are very short. You can do it!
   — eddyrider3

May 23, 2008
You need to stick with what your doctor recommended. I've found some give questionable advice, but you knew of these requirements and restrictions before the surgery. Seriously, it's only a week and you're already mostly through it. If you're having this much trouble already and crying most nights because of the restrictions, I worry about your future success sticking with the program.
   — suezahn4me

May 24, 2008
It is very important to stick with the clear liquid phase as your dr perscribed. You tummy is healing and the dr doesnt' want you stomach muscle to contract for digestion while the band is healing. It needs to be still so the band will heal in place for future health of the band. You can do this! I drank lots of chamomile tea (that's what they gave me in the hospital) and it really helped to keep me relaxed and felt good in my tummy too. And try to stay occupied with something to keep your mind off of food. Read the boards often about ppls success to give you hope and inspiration. I find that really keeps me focused on my goal. Good luck and God bless.
   — Kristi H.

May 26, 2008
Heather, I too had a post-op melt down. I asked my surgeon how come I could only have liquids and I have read where others could eat soft foods like mac-and-cheese and mashed potatoes and gravy. The answer he gave was because those foods are starchy and carb loaded and part of the problem why we are were we are today. The idea of drinking soup isn't good because we are trying to learn to eat things that will stay in our pouch for a long time. Soup just runs right through. He said we are trying to teach you a new way of eating and if you start off with old behaviors then you could eventually end up right back where you started! Hang in there, it does get better!
   — smarshall1975

May 27, 2008
I would have been extremely happy if I could have eaten that when I had my surgery. I did not eat my 1st real meal until 6 months after surgery. I am now 9 years post op and still don't eat enough to keep a kid going. My meals consists of a couple of bites and I am full. I have 9 years of frustration with my surgery, but have been ecstatic to be able to have that much. I just keep going and don't worry about it. If you start eating foods too soon you will find out that weight gain is right around the corner.
   — nascar_angel_3_2003

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