Have any one every heard of the staples coming lose and killing someone?

My mom knew someone you died from gastric bypass because her staples came lose. I just want to know if that is possible. This lady died about 15 years ago. I know that medical technology has improved since then but was just wondering.    — kioh46 (posted on October 12, 2001)

October 12, 2001
Not only has medical technology advanced, but it is an entirely new and better type of procedure done nowadays. This older operation was referred to as "stomach stapling" and was not very succesful and often quite dangerous! Rest assured that things are much better now. In fact the mortailty rate is less than half a percent! Also talk to your surgeon, find out about his personal statistics on death and complications. Just do your research, and you will quickly see how the times have changed! Good luck!
   — Deborah W.

October 12, 2001
im sorry but i had to laugh bec i invisioned someones staples popping off and hitting the guy across the room.. then i realized you meant inisde..!!!! Never thought of that..anything is possible i guess. Don't look under rocks though, i doubt this is a given!
   — Jackiis

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