What happens to the section of the stomach that gets stapled off?

Once the stomach is stapled, the unused part, does it have any functions or does it just shrivel up?    — Kim S. (posted on January 28, 2002)

January 28, 2002
If you are transected it will atrophy per my surgeon.
   — Candace F.

January 28, 2002
The unused portion of the stomach remains a living organ, it is still connected to the blood supply and produces gastric juices which flows to the new portion of intestine that it is connected to.
   — Cheri M.

January 28, 2002
When you smell, taste, or think about food, the bottom of the stomach produces stomach acid. This acid and other digestive juices travel out of the stomach, through the bypassed duodenum, and part of the small intestine to mix with the food from the pouch. Through the last 8-15 feet of the intestine, this food is then absorbed into the bloodstream, along with most vitamins and minerals.
   — Phiddy B.

January 29, 2002
Good question... It was asked by someone at a WLS seminar for preops in Alabama tonight. The surgeon stated the the stomach does shrink and it just stays there. He said that the stomach does secrete something that helps aid in the absorption of Vitamin B 12.... I thought that was interesting....
   — Pamela W.

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