How many of you have actually surpassed your doctors post-op expectations?

I was wondering about how many people on this site have actually lost a lot more weight than the doctor originally figured. And if you did, what do you think you did differently from other post-ops to make it happen? Thank you!    — vbenedict0208 (posted on February 2, 2002)

February 2, 2002
My doctor didn't tell me what his expectations were, he doesn't believe in putting that kind of pressure on his patients, but I certainly passed my own personal expectations. When I weighed 280 pounds, I just wanted to get healthy and be able to move and LIVE better. I figured that I would be happy if I weighed 175, and that was my own expectation. I have surpassed that and so much more. I now weigh 140 pounds. Granted I lost the last 16 pounds because I was so sick. I had a small bowel obstruction recently and had to undergo a second surgery, but even at 156 pounds, I was content. Of course, I did notice that nothing seemed good enough and I am getting greedy. Even though people say that I am getting too thin, I would ultimately love to lose another 5-10 pounds. BUT if that doesn't happen, I will still be content because I have gained so much more. I can move so much better, and I have so much more energy than I have ever had in my life. You asked what I think I did to achieve my goals?? Well, I am not advocating that you don't follow your surgeons instructions, but I decided that I chose to have this surgery to lead a NORMAL life. I eat like a normal person. If I want to have pasta, I do. If I want to have a cookie, I do. I just do it in moderation. Food no longer controls me. I wish you luck in your own endeavor.
   — enjo4

February 2, 2002
Yep I surpassed his expectations...I was 314# @ 5'8" and was told that at the very best I would get down to 165 but to be happy with anything under 180. I asked about getting back down to 135 which is where I was for most my adult life until I got pregnant 10 years ago and gained 90# which started my years of obesity. They said to forget it that id never get there so I set my goal for 150#. At 8.5 months I hit my goal of weighing 150.... then at 12.5 months post I hit 134#!!!....I am now 13.5 months and am maintaining this weight so far. It happened for me by not eating any useless carbs like bread, pasta, rice and potatoes. I lived on things likce eggs, cheese, chili, deli turkey and tuna salad. I also never ate junk food, candy or sweets and drank at least 100 oz per day. I also am sure that I exercise in some way every day. If you work really hard at you can do better than your docs expectations if thats what you want. Now at goal I enjoy some carbs and junk food but still no suagr or sweets.... Best wishes to you!
   — darcieleigh

February 2, 2002
Lee, I too, like "many" have far surpassed the docs goals for me. I was hoping and praying for 150 with a start out of 280. Doc said that 150 was possible but to look at an ultimate of about 165. I now weigh 119. Took one year exactly and I actually was down to 113 when the doctors said I had to gain some weight. I had the BPD/DS and in my case, losing that much was NOT a good thing. It was too much and even now, I'm alittle too thin still. (gained back up to 124 but just lost 7 pounds this weeks for some reason). I am 3 years out at this point. What did it? In my case, with the BPD/DS I found that if I ate the "wrong" things ie: fats and sugars, I pooped them out and lost weight faster. Is this a good thing? NO. I wouldn't recommend to anyone that they deviate from their docs advice but when I saw it coming off so quickly, I, like Erin thought, "gee, I still want another 20 pounds off). I looked great at 140 from what everyone said but I didn't think so. Seems for awhile, we always see ourselves as heavy even if we are not. Please don't fall into that trap. I bet Erin is GORGEOUS right now but doesn't quite see it yet. We have all been there. Good luck to you.
   — Barbara H.

February 3, 2002
According to the stats, with my very distal RNY,I am SUPPOSED to end up with 89% of my excess stayed lost at 5 yrs. I've lost 100%, and it's has stayed gone 7 yrs. I know a few others here locally that are also at the bottom end of wt range and healthy. What we have in common: 120-180g protein supplement a day (which we all use to control appetite), no milk, no sugar, no grazing (but several small meals), no drinking with meals. Although we dont' eat the 6 tiny meals per day, now, we all eat 3-4 small meals, still maintaining small portions. We watch our own labs and keep our vitamins sharply tuned to keep the levels well within mid-range. Some exercise more than others, but we all use that nutritional control for bad habits & to control cravings. There are those who say we're obsessive. Whatever. Maybe they weren't dying of their obesity and we were. You asked what we think works. There it is.
   — vitalady

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