Onset of period right after surgery

My surgery date is May 24th, and when I attended a support meeting, I heard several women say that although they have nothad periods for years, their cycle started the very next day after surgery. I am on birth control, so I have not had a cycle in several months. Has anyone else experienced this?    — Tamara F. (posted on May 6, 2002)

May 6, 2002
Hi Tamara! Ever since I had my son 2 years ago, I have had very irregular periods and hadn't had one since last September. Well, the day after my surgery, which was April 10th, I started my period. Good luck to you with your surgery and recovery!!
   — Dona R.

May 6, 2002
I have read from many people here that it is very common to get a period after surgery because of all of the trauma your body goes through. You can also talk to your Dr. He can give you more clinical reasons for it. Good Luck!
   — Karen W.

May 6, 2002
im 59 had surg at 58 and when i got home i was freaked out!!! i started up after being "dry" for YEARS. I called and they told me the same thing. Hormonal issues right after surgery...all is well..and i was ok
   — Jackiis

May 6, 2002
It happened to my too. I wasn't due for my period. I am 47 and pre-menopausal so my periods have been sporatic. The day after surgery my period started. Quite embarrasing when I couldn't even take care of myself hygeine wise, but I guess that's what the nurses are for. They helped ease my embarrasment. Also, I had my period again a week after I got home from the hospital, although it was only for 1 day. I am going on 5 wks post op and haven't had it since. Go figure huh.
   — Peggy D.

May 6, 2002
My cycle started the day before my surgery but thats when it was suppose to start. I found that it stayed on for about 4 extra days but that was okay. Good luck to you.
   — Karen M.

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