any one have problems with bruises 9 mo out? i am 9 mo post have lost 158 lbs and

have noticed bruises all over my body lately havent called the doc yet any one know what causes this? thanks    — gerirose C. (posted on July 24, 2002)

July 24, 2002
I dont know the answer for the bruises but I also have a large number of unexplained bruises. I began to get them at about the 8 month mark. I am now 15 months out.
   — C. L.

July 24, 2002
hi i too have more bruises now than i ever have before i started getting them like 2 or 3 mo out my cousin too someone who was 9 mo out told me her doc told her it meant she needed to increase iron intake i take 2 flinstones chewables a day and am thinking of finding an iron pill as well.
   — carrie M.

July 24, 2002
OF COURSE, you need to check with your PCP on this, but bruising can be related to Vit C, or with iron. If you are taking iron, is it ferrous sulfate? You might need to swtich to a more absorbable form. But simple lab work will answer that question in 24 hours.
   — vitalady

July 24, 2002
I am 12 mos out and also bruise. My doctor said to increase my vit K intake and it would stop. I have increased the green leafy veg's and the bruising has stoped. My iron levels are fine and have been all along. Hope this helps.
   — Valerie M.

July 25, 2002
When my daughter and I developed painless, unexplained post-op bruising...especially on our legs and arms....our surgeon told us to take an extra 500 mg. of Vitamin C per day. I'm sorry now that I didn't ask about the rationale, but we did as he said, and the bruising disappeared. It was the answer for us, but I certainly would recommend informing your MD of your concerns and getting his input. Good luck!
   — Diana T.

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