H. PYLORI bacteria....Has this happened to anyone????

I keep coming back positive to the H. Pylori bacteria. How common is this? And when can I expect this to go away? I am on another set of antibiotics. This has postponed my surgery. Please help    — J. S. (posted on September 16, 2002)

September 16, 2002
Hi, I didn't have the problem when I was tested for my surgery. However,two years ago, the doctor found that I had the H. Pylori Bacteria. It took either 2 or 3 differnt times with taking the meds to get me over the problem. I can't remember how many different pills I was taking but it was a lot. If I am remembering correctly it took about a month or more for me to get over it. Hang in there and it will get better.
   — VickieG

September 16, 2002
My PCP said that once you have it, the h pylori never truly is removed from your blood stream. They found it in me when I did my pre-op testing and I did a round of antibiotics and prilosec. No problems since.
   — Cathy S.

September 16, 2002
H. Pylori is curable. You need a Prev-Pak which is a combination of Prevacid and Biaxin. After you finish the treatment, you should test negative. Good luck.
   — Alison D.

September 21, 2002
Helicobacter Pylori is an extremely common bacteria. If most people were tested they would be positive. It is the most common cause of gastric ulcers. They will do an H. pylori test on everyone who is having gastric surgery ( not just gastric bypass). The idea is that you do not want to do a surgical procedure in an area where there is a known bacterium that is not supposed to be there. Unfortunately, it is rather difficult to get rid of, but follow your doctor's instructions and take the antibiotics as prescribed. And... take all of the antibiotics. Do not get to the end and say "Oh well I am sure it is gone now". If you do this it just means that the bacteria will come back even stronger and harder to get rid of. Good Luck!!
   — Tara J.

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