Should we have a loose stool post op-My BM's seems

to be hard, almost like a log, sorry I know that's gross, but I'm just wondering if it is from the mainly meat diets that we have to consume post-op?    — TotallyTori (posted on April 23, 2003)

April 23, 2003
Question #1 - Are you getting in your 64 oz of water/non-caloric fluids a day? Question #2 - are you getting enough dietary fiber in your diet?
   — John Rushton

April 23, 2003
I am trying to get in my 64 oz, some days yes, other days close to it about 20 oz short, as far as fiber no because all I eat is protein, and never have room for vegetables,and being a health major I know that cooking my veggies until they are soft and mushy removes the majority of fiber benefit that you would get from them if they were just lightly cooked. I have not really been eating any fruit because of the sugars and carbs-so I am at a lost about getting in fiber unless I take some sort of fiber pill, perhaps maybe a psyllium husk capsule of some sort. I don;t know very confused
   — TotallyTori

April 23, 2003
Victoria, I had lots of bowel trouble for quite a while until I found a system that worked for me. I think everyone is different in this area. I agree with John, getting your water everyday will help a lot but I also take 2 Sugarfree Fiberchoice chewable tablets each morning and approx. a cup of prune juice each night. You never know, maybe just one of those will work for you. I have also heard of a tea that you can drink called Smooth Move or Move Smoothly or something like that, although I never tried it myself. If you have those troubles now they will only get worse without intervention. I would try one thing at a time and see what works for you. Good luck!
   — Laurel C.

April 23, 2003
What are you eating? I know that eating a good amount of cheese can cause this. I see that you are not too long out and in the beginning stages when I would get constipated, a little orange juice would help me out every time. Also, are you getting in a fair amount of water? You may want try the juice before taking meds. I know you didn't exactly say you were constipated, but if they are hard, then you may be headed that way. Take care!.....Karen (lap rny- 09/20/02- down 127 pounds!)
   — karmiausnic

April 24, 2003
Victoria, Cute question, I'm 11 months post op and down 128 pounds, and I still pooh the same way you, it sort of looks like molding clay, really hard, I know gross, I eat round about meals, enough fruits and carbs, fats, and what knots. But no matter what still the same result, in the beginning it was unbearable, I had to take a stool softner, that maybe an idea for you. I would go on the library section and pull it up, they list one that we can take, I have some, but not with me and have forgotten the name, it seems the more post op out, the pooh is a little softer, not much but not to where it's rock hard and hurts. I personally would rather have the bowel movements that we have, versus what I've heard other people having...... Good luck,
   — tannedtigress

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