Does too much protein in the diet cause protein to be in your urine

I spoke with a nurse today about some bloodwork of mine taking a few weeks ago, and she mentioned that their was protein in my urine and also something about urine dissolution being low-she said that the doctor had notes about med called vasotec-i looked it up on the computer and it says it is for high blood pressure-but my pressure is fine last time it was 110/70-I have been crying, shaking, and throwing up reading stuff online about protein in the urine being the reason for kidney failure, congestive heart failure, pulmonary hypertension-I am so scared I am diabetic and my hemoglobin is 7.4 since the surgery but my sugars have never been out of control and I've been off meds for the diabetes since the day I came home from the hospital after the surgery, my sugars have always been in the low-medium 100's and medium 100's on my bad days-I don;t understand what is going on I am so scared right now-I have been staying away from carbs, and have been very constipated as a result, could this also be the reason why I have protein in my urine??? Tori-please feel free to email me your responses as well    — TotallyTori (posted on May 22, 2003)

May 22, 2003
hiya..{{hugs}} ok i'm not a doctor but it sounds like to me you're not getting enough water. protein in the urine can be an indicator that the kidneys are not being flushed well enough and definetely constipation is a sign of not enough water... how much are you getting in? you should be drinking MINIMUM of 64ounces -- and i don't count my decaf coffee or protein drinks as part of the water intake..i count STRAIGHT water...(though you could count sugar free drinks like crystal light) take a few deep breaths and TALK TO YOUR DOC but seriously LOOK at how much water you're drinking. and on the constipation, stay away from laxatives -- you can take stool softeners though. and drink LOTS OF WATER! hope this helps, {{hugs}} kate
   — jkb

May 22, 2003
First of all, calm down. I am assuming that your "hemaglobin" is really a hemaglobin a1c that measures long term blood glucose levels. You say that your blood sugar has been in the low to medium 100's since surgery, and that is about right. A Hemaglobin a1c for 7 is 150 and 8 is 180, so, it all matches up. Vasotec helps the kidney's to work better also. That may be why your doc is putting you on it. I do not know how long you have been a diabetic, but that disease is really rough on the kidneys. The previous poster suggest that you drink more water for your kidney's sake a well as for your constipation. Very good advice. You may also have your primary care doc refer you to a nephrologist to get to the bottom of this. Good Luck.
   — Vicki L.

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