Is it normal to have diarrhea after gallbladder surgery???

It seems like anything I try to eat keeps going right through me. I have been eating sugar free popsicles and saltines w/pb on them because it doesn;t upset my stomach. when I try solid foods they seem to cramp my stomach and off to the bathroom I'm running-How long will this last? I read a few posts about fatty foods not being digested after gallbladder surgery? Has anyone started to lose weight again since having their gbladder removed because of not being able to consume certain foods???    — TotallyTori (posted on August 23, 2004)

August 23, 2004
I feel your pain! I recently had rny surgery w/ gallbladder removal and I am having similar situation. So I will be keeping any eye out for any answers you may get. Good luck and I wish you the best! Julie 8.18.04 finally happened!
   — Julie M.

August 23, 2004
I had the exact opposite problem after gall bladder surgery in June. I got constipated from the anesthesia and narcotic pain killers. I did however lose around 2 pounds. Don't know why, as my eating really didn't change. My husband said I must have had the biggest gall bladder ever removed LOL!!
   — Fixnmyself

August 23, 2004
OMG!!! I know EXACTLY how you feel. I had wls on November 24th, 2003 and then gall bladder removal July 12th, 2004 and since then I have had non stop diarrhea no matter what I eat. When I go some place the first thing I look for are the restrooms , ya know, just in case. I asked my surgeon about it and he said that it is normal and can last up to 6 months or longer for some people and that foods high in fat can cause it too. Well, I will be honest, EVERYTHING causes it for me! He said that I could let him know if it was becoming a problem and that they might be able to prescribe something for me to take. I have tried Immodium AD and that worked for awhile, but I would have to take that every day in order for me to be normal again. I am going to the doctor soon to see what I can get and see if there is any hope of returning to normal. As for the weight loss, I a 9 months out now and I am still losing, I have lost a total of 100 lbs now and only have 19 more to goal of 125! I am losing by it has slowed down compared to how I was losing in the beginning but as long as I keep losing then I can't complain.
   — KittyKatt

August 23, 2004
I had my gall bladder removed almost 4 years ago. WLS surgery scheduled for October and yes you will have diarrhea at this point in time for me it only seems to be linked with high fat foods especially if it is the first thing in the morning. It should pass just be careful of high fat foods.
   — davesband1

August 23, 2004
I have had very loose stools since gallbladder surgery 4 years ago..A year ago (almost) I had RNY and now it works out real well..Instead of being constipated as this surgery can do to you I am finally *normal* LOL...
   — Kathy S.

August 23, 2004
Your liver is adjusting to doing all the fat processing the galbladder used to do. High fat foods may always cause this. Usually things settle out as your liver adjusts.
   — zoedogcbr

August 23, 2004
I had several weeks of diarrhea following gall bladder surgery. It does get better as your body adjusts to the processing of fats. It took me about a month to get back to normal.
   — Cathy S.

August 23, 2004
I think it's pretty normal. I had my GB removed in June and the diarrhea lasted about 2 weeks for me. I asked my mom about it and she said the same had happened to her when she had hers removed (she has not had WLS and had her GB removed 30+ years ago.
   — Ali M

August 23, 2004
I had the same problem after having my gallbladder out 10 years ago. It was non stop. My pcp told me to eat 2 tablespoons of coconut everyday. Or coconut macaroons (no chocolate) It takes a while, but it does work. I dont eat it cuz I hate coconut.
   — cherylbean

August 24, 2004
My mom and my best friend had gallbladder removal in the last few years and the same thing has happened to them. They both have to run to the bathroom evreytime they eat. However my mom takes 2 imodium first thing in the morning and now is regular. Good luck Jen:)
   — imgabbie

August 24, 2004
I had my gallblader out 11 years ago. I still have very soft stools. When I have to go I have to go right then. It is really bad after I eat at McDonalds. (Don't eat there now after surgery) You get used to it after awhile. I just make sure I know where the potties are when I go out.
   — Cameron Van Winkle

August 25, 2004
I had mine out Feb. 9, 2004 a year after my by-pass, and I've had the same problem ever since. It doesn't seem to make much difference what kind of food I eat, I get the cramping and off I go, too. It happens at least once most days. I'm to the point where I expect it and am almost used to it. Like other posters, I just keep my eyes open for the nearest bathroom. Good luck. Gerianne
   — Gerianne D.

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