Do I have to give myself B-12 shots.

My surgeon wants me to give myself B-12 shots after surgery.Yiks!! Wouldn't pills work as well? I can't imagine giving myself a shot.    — Gayla C. (posted on August 30, 2001)

August 30, 2001
Each doctor has their own protocol for the b12 shots. I take b12 sublingual. My dr. feels that is sufficient. I am sure if my b12 was chronically low then he would ask me to do the shots.
   — Dawn H.

August 30, 2001
There is a very new nasal spray for B-12 that you use once a month, my doc gave me a script, but i lost it. i forgot the name.
   — peaceangel58

August 30, 2001
Nascobal is a self-administered nasal gel that you can take weekly as opposed to getting the monthly B-12 shots.
   — blank first name B.

August 30, 2001
Hi - I am 3 months post op and started on B-12 three weeks ago. My husband, my 19 year old daughter & my best friend have all given my a shot. I take 1 cc once a week....They are pretty painless (okay for a shot, that is). My best friend is a nurse, she taught my daughter and I taught my isn't really that tough.....good luck!
   — chance2lv

October 17, 2001
I am pre-op so I don't know about B-12 shots yet, but I have MS and I give myself shots every day and it is'nt bad at all. At first it was tough as I had a great fear of needles from when I was a child, but after the first few times I realized that shots don't hurt its all in our minds! Good luck and remember you can do whatever is necessary if it helps with the results. Vicki
   — vmize

October 17, 2001
Pretty much, all RNY will eventually require B12 supplementation. Some can get by with the sublingual pills for awhile. I know I will not do them, so I prefer a shot, which I do myself. I'm too lazy to run over to the doc & wait for them. LOL! My levels did not drop until the 6th year, but I was watching, so they didn't drop through the floor, just got lower & lower. I've not seen the Nascobal (nasal spray) work for any of "us", but again, for myself, I knew I would not do it. I will take a lot of pills, will drink protein all day long. No nasal sprays, no lozenges, no chews. Yuck. So, I work around my weak spots. I give me a shot in each thigh, then my husband uses each arm. That's 4 sites, and my levels hold EXACTLY where I want them. I know, I know, very anal. But I didn't go through all this (twice) to be less than optimum healthy.
   — vitalady

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