I'm seeing my internist tomorrow and I'm worried about the EKG

I have some concerns about the EKG i'm getting tomorrow. 7 years ago I took phenfen,pondimen, and redux. They have taken it off the market since then. Saying it has caused serious heart valve problems.I had a friend who also took these drugs. I was on them a year and she was on them 4 months. When she went to have her EKG done for this surgery they found problems with her heart and didnt want to do her surgery. I am really worried they will find something. And worried they will not let me get this surgery done because of it.All i want to know is if there are patients out there who have also taken these diet drugs in the past and who have had no problems with there heart and were able to get this surgery. I just want a little encouragement . Hope to here back from someone soon.. Thank You. Jennifer    — jkbuckner51 (posted on June 11, 2002)

June 11, 2002
Jennifer, hi my name is michelle, nice to meet you. I just wanted to post a little encouragement note for you. Try and think of it this way, ok. If there is something wrong with your heart, that should come first. I am sure you are suffering from co-morbities that are uncomfortable and may be life threatning but your heart is the most important part of your body. What if you did have something wrong with your heart and they said go ahead with surgery anyways, and you died on the table. Then you wouldn't have to worry about weight anymore, now would you. If they found something wrong with your heart and addressed it and then after that was taken care of you could go with the surgery. They won't ban you from surgery forever, Im sure. But your doctor is probably different from your friends doctor and may not see surgery as a threat to whatever they might find on your ekg. Last in God, he is the final say so in our lives. Ask him that his will be done and that he gives you the right path to take. Feel free to email me if you would like to talk more personally about this. Take care. [email protected] Michelle
   — Michelle J.

June 11, 2002
Jennifer, I took redux for 18 months. The drug manufacture sent me to be a cardilogist and I do have some leakage in a heart vlaue. I am suspectable to infections, if I go to dentist and I must take antibotics before the procedure. I informed my surgeon of this and had the electrocardiogram sent to him, the surgeon is still proceding with the surgery. Of course I am pre-op, just waiting for a date. Are u a part of the lawsuit against phen/ redux?
   — marta B.

June 12, 2002
Jennifer, I took Phen-Fen for almost 2 years. I have had an EKG and there is nothing wrong with my heart. I am waiting on insurance approval for surgery, but there is no physical reason why I can't have it. In fact, having taken the drugs helps my position that I have tried all other weight loss methods. I really wouldn't worry about it. My personal opinion is that being overweight is far more dangerous to your heart than any medication.
   — Amber L.

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