Has anyone had liposuction BEFORE losing their weight, then

lost the weight and now are trying to get a lower body lift/belt lipectomy? I have lost most of my excess weight (about 20 pounds from goal) and now plastic surgeons are telling me that because I have had liposuction on the areas that I need lifted (buttocks and thighs) I have scar tissue that will make removing the skin much more difficult and that I won't get as good of a result as someone who lost the weight but never had liposuction. Is anyone else in this situation?    — Hackett (posted on June 25, 2004)

June 25, 2004
Hi Susan. The prior lipo does make the overall surgery a bit more difficult but not impossible. If you have a LOT of visible scarring and skin dimpling/uneveness then I would worry about the overall result. Otherwise, you should still expect a good improvement. You may need ultrasonic lipo to deal with the scar tissue, and the surgeon may require more time (and expense) to address your issues.
   — DrL

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