
I am having a hard time with my fluid intake. For some reason water makes me very sick to my stomach. I am 8 months post and have been drinking watered down gatoraide. What do you think good or bad??? Thanks so much for the help. Shelly    — ShellyJ (posted on January 2, 2005)

January 2, 2005
Anything else? Nausea? Pain? Pain in back?
   — vitalady

January 2, 2005
I am over a year out and water still makes me ill..I get my fluids from skim milk and lots and lots of sugar free popsicles.BEst of luck to you.
   — Kathy S.

January 2, 2005
Have you tried Propel? It is non carbonated flavored water with vitamins. It is very good and easy to drink. Spyder
   — SpyderS

January 2, 2005
I'm the same way, and I'm pre-op, I drink Propel, it's a bit sweet for me so I water it down a bit. I also drink Crystal Light(watered down a bit too). You could also try decaffinated iced/hot teas?
   — Cynthia ..

January 2, 2005
Tap water use to bother me, I just couldnt tollerate it. But I found the only water that doesnt bother me is from walmart, Sams choice, Aquafina, arberfoil... I just cant seem to drink them either. Also I drink it room temperature, I never have liked cold water, but decaf iced tea doesnt bother me. You might try drinking instant decaf iced tea to get in your fluids, or some like fruit 2o, sams club sells this and Im sure many other places do to but since I dont drink it I dont look for it. Good luck. Rosemary
   — wizz40

January 2, 2005
I did not tolerate water for quite a while myself. The one thing I found that did work is drinking it room temp rather than icy as I used to preop. I found warm decaf tea to be the best, then I also found Alpine sugar free cider mix that I drink watrm. Just add the packet to hot water. I drink a variety of flavored and herbal decaf teas with splenda and It works verywell for me. I am now 2+ years out and can really tolerate anything but sugary things. Good luck!
   — **willow**

January 3, 2005
I am able to drink water but I know many who can't tolerate the taste. Its perfectly fine to flavor your water using Crystal Light or other low calorie products. Gatorade doesnt qualify as it contains sugars. Try Diet Splash (V8 makes it in two flavors)and it has less than 10 calories in a serving.
   — Barbara F.

January 3, 2005
Try varying the temperature of what you're drinking. Sometimes I needed very, very cold and sometimes something warm was the only thing I could get down. Does gatorade have citric acid in it? I had problems with that my first year out?
   — Cathy S.

January 3, 2005
Propel is great. So is Crystal Light. You could also try 100% fruit juice diluted 50/50 with water.
   — dodie72

January 3, 2005
I often add a squeeze of fresh lemon and a sweet and low to my water. It makes it so much more palatable to drink.
   — Fixnmyself

January 4, 2005
I'm almost 2 years out and it took until just a couple of months ago to be able to tolerate water. I did start drinking it with orange slices (both lemon and lime didn't seem to do it). But I am a huge fan of SF popsicles for thirst when I simply can't tolerate any water or need something after a meal.
   — susanje

January 4, 2005
I have the same problem with water. I am 3 months out and I add Torani Sugar Free Liquid flavorings. My favorite flavors are Strawberry and Vanilla to add to my water. I use the flavorings to flavor so much of what I drink, down to my smoothies and making my own sugar free popsicles. I usually get them at (or the actual store, but the store usually has less selection of sugar-free flavors.) This is also the same flavoring that Starbucks uses for their drinks. Good Luck.
   — Mysstical A.

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