Has anyone had a Gastric Bypass after a illeostomy surgery?

My Husband had a Illeostomy 8 years ago and his weight is a real problem and his illeostomy surgeon has mentioned a GB but He hasn't heard of anyone having one after this surgery. He is searching(doc)but, I wanted to do a search of my own. An illeostomy is where the colon and large instestines have been removed and he is left with a coloneostomy bag. Thank you!    — Johnnette F. (posted on December 12, 2002)

December 12, 2002
Hi Jonnette, If I were you, I would contact the large teaching hospitals close to you. They are more likely to have experience with "unusual" cases such as your husband. You may have to travel a bit to find a surgeon willing to work with you.
   — Vicki L.

December 12, 2002
I would think he would be eligible for the adjustable gastric banding where they don't mess around with the intestines if he is not eligible for the whole bypass. Good luck to you and your hubby.
   — Dana S.

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