midline hernia from sugery...

i'm 11 mos out and down 100 lbs (yeahhhhh) and i have an appt next month w/ my surgon for having a mid line hernia corrected...(boooooo) the only real good thing about it is getting a panni done at the same time :)... anyway, the hernia is about the size of a grapefruit and getting bigger and am having a lot of discomfort (burning soreness, tenderness, a wierd 'clicking' feeling when i bend over) with it (i'm living on tylenol). they also think i'm developing adhesions (i sincerly hope not) i'd like to hear from post ops who've had the same thing, and any thoughts suggestions and yes, even horror stories...    — mellyhudel (posted on March 31, 2004)

April 1, 2004
I haven't had a hernia, so I can't help there. However, I would think it wise to call and try to get your appt. with the surgeon pushed up. If you are that much pain, you could be headed for a problem. Best to let the doctor know right away.

April 3, 2004
I agree with above...hernias with a lot of pain are a "sooner" rather than "later" type thing. As a plastic surgeon, I will often do the tummy tuck, body lift or whatever at same time as hernia repair using my patient's own muscle tissue (called flaps) instead of mesh. Reason: regualr "panni" is not a very cosmetically pleasing operation and sometimes plastic mesh is used for hernia repair. I see patients with this on down the road, who want a prettier tummy. Getting them a nice result is harder with the staight-line panni scar and the mesh in place. Just an option for you to consider.
   — DrL

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