Will my hanging skin stretch back to normal

Hi, Everyone I'm 22 years old, I had open RNY on Dec 4th or 2001. I weighed 337 and 3 months post op I am 250. That is 87 pounds gone. I am 5'9, does anyone know what I should get down to. Well I'll get to the problem!!! I've been working out at Curves for 3 weeks now. I have hanging skin on my upper arms, stomach and also my thighs clap too. My breast are not getting smaller. I was told by someone if you have a lot of stretch marks, Which I do that my skin might not stretch back. This sucks because I do not want to go through another surgery. If you think it will stretch back, how long does it take. Thanks    — Melissa S. (posted on March 3, 2002)

March 3, 2002
I am a 21 year old pre-op and have wondered the same thing myself, so I can't answer that one for you, but I can tell you how to find out what weight you should get down to. Click on "Gallery" at the top of this webpage and you can type in your weight and height to find out your BMI and where you need to be to be within your ideal weight. If you have any questions, feel free to write me.
   — Kelly M.

March 3, 2002
(You will find "Calculate your BMI" in the list of options on the left side of the Gallery webpage)
   — Kelly M.

March 4, 2002
I think most people who start out at higher BMIs regardless of age...and a lot who are lower BMIs are going to need some reconstructive surgery at some point. I started out at 40.7 BMI and I have a lot of hanging all the areas you mentioned. I KNOW I am going to need some work done! The though of another surgery or 2 does NOT appeal to me either, but I want the WHOLE healthy package and am willing to go through the pain to get it. You are so young...I am sure you will want to look as tight as you can. If you want to have any(more) kids...I would wait until after you are all finished having kids to get a TT or Breast Lift.
   — Karen B.

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