Has anyone had severe diareah for 4 day

I am 5 months out from RNY and have had NO problems untill now . I cant even keep water in me ,no nausea fever .nothing except Diareah cant even go to work because I cant get far from the bathroom .. My DR says its probably a virus .but Im worried it has something to do with my surgery since there are no other symptoms involved . Can someone share about this ? Ruthie    — ruthie (posted on September 5, 2003)

September 5, 2003
Have you been on antibiotics lately? I am preop but I had a bug like that for a week and it was a paristite. I was on antibiotics the week before and that caused the parisite to get into my intestines. If you find no relief by end of day today. Go see the PCP or go to the ER!!!!! You have to be careful of becoming severly dehydrated. I ended up in the ER with a bad case of dehydration. Feel better...
   — NJChick

September 5, 2003
Have you tried some Immodium-AD?
   — Cathy S.

September 5, 2003
I tend to get he runs pretty often, but I did have a bout like you are having and I think it was stress related. I didn't realize I was stressed out until I quit this awful job I had..then boom! The Hershey Squirts stopped. Maybe write out a journal and get some of the stress out of your system if you think you need it.
   — missmollyk

September 5, 2003
When I was lactose intolerant, I couldn't handle any milk products (whey as an ingredient too) without severe intestional problems. Start keeping a food diary and see if there is a correlation. But listen to your doctor too, it could be nothing more than a virus. Hope you feel better soon.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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