Have any Post Ops had venous stasis disease which improved after surgery?

This question may be reposted frequently to attract ongoing answers. Your answers will be linked to from <a href=>Benefits of Surgery</a>.    — ericklein (posted on March 2, 2000)

March 2, 2000
After Surgery lost 60 lb and I am still losing. I had severe Ulcers on my legs which were horrible, over 1 1/2 years. After daily cleaning, wrapping, and keeping my legs up they became better but not cured ready to come back as they had before. Then my surgery. . . My weight loss were mostly in my legs and now almost all the swelling has gone and no more ULCERS. I still take Lasix to help remove excess water, but the WLS has saved my legs.
   — Richard J.

March 4, 2000
I have been battling with venous stasis for more than five years. The swelling in my otherwise very thin legs was painful and terrible looking, to the point I could hardly get my shoes on. Even with lasix, it was hard to keep the swelling down. I am now 8 weeks postop and happy to report that my swelling is finally reduced. I have lost about 53 lbs now and hopefully the swelling will go away even more by the time I reach my goal weight. I take the lasix only once or twice a week now and there is no pain. Hope you have the same luck I have had. I am ecstatic, and my poor feet and ankles no longer hang over my shoes! Good luck.
   — MARY J.

March 22, 2000
I've had venous stasis for about 12 years. I had an open RNY on June 10th, 1999 and have lost a total of 173lbs. My pre-op weight was 430lbs. I no longer have any swelling in my legs. My legs actually look normal. It feels great. I do still have pain in them occasionally.
   — Glendora W.

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