Does Devrom help

Has anyone tried Devrom, an internal deodorant, for the horrendous smell we seem to have with bowel movements and with the passing of gas since our RNY surgery? I heard about it at our support group meeting. It's distributed by the Parthenon Co., Inc out of Salt Lake City, but I was able to buy it at my local Kroger pharmacy (they had to order it) for a slightly cheaper price. It's to soon to tell if it's helping me. Just curious if anyone else has tried it.    — jan M. (posted on January 22, 2003)

June 6, 2005
I have been using Devrom for quite a few months and believe me Jan it does not help. I keep waiting for it to cut the odor down even a little but it does not and now I am on a quest for something much more effective. Anyone have any input on that?
   — Diane P.

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