How long do I need to wait

I'm scheduled for a breast reduction and abdominoplasty on 3/31/03 and then for a brachioplasty and to have skin reduction on my knee area on 5/12/03. I won't know till surgery if the stomach muscles will be tightened. At first they told me I'd be off work for 2-3 weeks with the first surgery and 1-2 weeks with the 2nd. I have a desk job. Yesterday I asked the Dr. office again and I was told I'd be off 3-4 weeks at least with the first surgery. What has been the experience for those of you who have had this surgery. How long were you off work and when could you return to exercising? I have been going to Curves. Thanks!!    — jan M. (posted on March 27, 2003)

March 26, 2003
I just had brachioplasty and abdominoplasty with minimal muscle work and was out of work for 7 working days. I could have went back to work after 5 working days, but I didn't want to start in the middle of the week (I had my surgery on a Thursday). My office let me work from home this week (I am a Systems Analyst), but I could have easily went into work if I needed to. As far as exercising, I have only been walking. I didn't want to push this area until all of my incisions (all 5 feet of them) had healed. I hope your surgeries are as easy. Good Luck and Congrats...Mary Beth
   — Beffy W.

March 26, 2003
Two to three weeks should do it for the abdominoplasty. I had a lower body lift and mastopexy and was back after 2 weeks. I was a little sore the first week, but it was my thighs that were bothering me from the thigh lift, and I just took Tylenol.
   — mom2jtx3

March 27, 2003
I went back to work full-time one week after abdominoplasty, but I have a desk job and they allowed me to wear casual clothes (sweat pants) as I still had drain tubes in.
   — Karla K.

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