I got dizzy, the world was spinning, what happened?

I came home from work, was sitting @ the computer checking email, waiting for it to be time to go to my support group meeting. Ate a handful of beef jerky (something I do every day with no problem.) Began to get VERY lightheaded. Headed toward my bedroom to change clothes, almost passed out. The world was spinning seemed like a hundred miles an hour. Got kind of scared. Hollered for my daughter to bring the glucose monitor and blood pressure machine. Blood sugar was 130, so not hypoglycemic. Blood pressure was only 96/65, pulse 57. Kept getting more and more dizzy till I finally threw up. She helped me change into pajamas and put a cold cloth on my forehead (what a GREAT kid!), and kept checking my BP. It went as low as 86/52, pulse 55. Fell asleep, woke up about 50 minutes later still somewhat dizzy but not as bad. Moved out to living room and BP was up to 102/71. WAS THIS A BIZARRE FORM OF DUMPING or do I need to call the Dr. tomorrow? NEVER had anything like this happen before. Didn't eat or do anything out of the ordinary today. I'm 4 months post op lap rny, down 67#, no other problems before. Help!    — Carolyn I. (posted on November 14, 2002)

November 14, 2002
I would see my pcp!
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 14, 2002
I agree you should let your doc know. I also would make it a habit of getting in daily sodium. Table salt will bring up your BP and make sure your drinking LOTs of water (not right after the sodium though, it willl flush it through)I also take the Morton's No Salt for potassium supp. Its 650mg of potassium only and can buy it next to the salt in stores. Good Luck!
   — ZZ S.

November 14, 2002
Do see your doc. But I got real sick perhaps a month after wLS. Worried it was a complication. Stomach Flu, but boy was I ill. Its in my profile. Not everything is WLS related...
   — bob-haller

November 14, 2002
Definately check with your doctor. This could be dehydration, so make sure you are drinking LOTS of water. At least 64 oz. a day. I get very dizzy and postural hypotension (low blood pressure) when I don't drink enough water/fluids. Good luck.
   — cjabates

November 15, 2002
I would definately see my PCP. It may not be related but sometimes when my potassium gets low I get dizzy and feel like pooty, so maybe have him check your potassium levels. Good Luck!
   — Lynda T.

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