I thought loosing so much weight would help my sex drive ........

Has anyone tried Vigel OR Avlimil? I had ROUX-EN-Y GASTRIC BY-PASS on June 30th, 2003 and EVEN before surgery I wanted NOTHIGN to do with sex. I can not keep doing this to my wonderful husband. I need to find something SAFE to take or do ASAP. I know there has been post before RE; this matter but I thought I would bring it up again. This is a Very serious problem. I need a quick fix :) OH, I have lost as of last week -124 pounds in 5 1/2 mo. Thank you, Janine Engler    — Janine Greenwood (posted on December 16, 2003)

December 16, 2003
You might benifit from very SMALL dose of testosterone. You really need to consult a doctor about this question. He/she is your best bet.
   — Danmark

December 16, 2003
I have the same problem. I ordered the Avlimil last Friday & waiting for it to be delivered. Call 1-800-AVLIMIL and mention Physician Referral Plan # 298 and receive 1 free month of it. It's all natural herbal stuff. The lady I talked to said 90% of the customers reorder. I'm anxious to get started on it.
   — kkubinski99

December 16, 2003
I know exactly where you are coming from. I was so wishing that after the surgery and losing the weight that it would come back, but no such luck. My daughter is 9 and I have been dealing with this ever since she was born and I am afraid that it is going to be the reason my marriage dissolves. We are hanging on and I feel like such a failure because I am not the wife he needs. I know it's hard for him to deal with this and I am trying a new hormone to see if it will help. I have thought about trying to Avlimil but scared. I guess though it would be better to try it and find out than not to and end up a single mother. I think some of it has to do with mental issues too, but I sure do wish that I was 20 again. My marriage would be a heck of alot better. Hang in whatever you can to find a solution. You're in my prayers.
   — dixieb

December 16, 2003
I am surprised that you younger girls had this problem to. I am 54 and thought it came with the "change". I tried harmones (estratest) and it helped a little. I would get an urge every now and then. But had to stop that when I got a fiborous breast tumor. I keep hoping my husband will get to old to want anything but it doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon. The only advice I can offer is to go along with the flow to keep pease. And be thankful that at least women can fake it.
   — Tawnda C.

December 16, 2003
I forgot to add I will be 35 years old in March. I have not wanted sex for about 4 years now. I feel so bad for my hubby I am not the woman he need but he has been so patient!
   — Janine Greenwood

December 16, 2003
You know, I have the exact opposite problem. I wasn't interested in sex much before surgery. So much so that I didn't have sex for almost 3 years, I am single but this was by choice. I had no desire, then after surgery and after about 40 pounds loss my libido came back full force. It's crazy, my hormones are all screwed up now. Not that I'm complaining but I thought I would share. I wonder if others are having this problem. Anyway, on to your question...If I was you I would talk to my surgeon or my PCP to see what they suggest. I've heard things about Avlimil and if the docs give the ok then there's no harm in trying it. Good Luck!!
   — Morna B.

December 16, 2003
Talk to your doctor. I also have this problem. My doctor ran tests to check my hormone levels. I take a testosterone supplement in cream form. It does seem to help. Low libido can also be caused by low thyroid or depression. Your doc may be able to help you out. Good luck.
   — mom2jtx3

December 16, 2003
I tried the avlimil for about a month before my lapband (11-13-03 -20lbs as of 12-14) it seemed to help. Then my Dr. said to crush it after surgery and it tasted AWFUL crushed and mixed with anything. (it has a VERY hot taste.) so I guess I will wait and start it again after I can quit crushing it (originally was told this would be 2 months) Good luck, I know how you feel. Mary
   — mary K.

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