Are you a type II diabetic who's had open rny gastric bypass surgery

I want to have open rny, but as a type II diabetic I'm not sure if that is what I should do. Can you tell me how long your incisions took to heal, what complications you had if any, what your blood sugar readings were at the time of surgery (or what it should be)and what added precautions you had to take as a result of this disorder. I have been told that for diabetics, the laparascopic procedure is recommended but that's not what I want to do. Thank you all for your responses.    — dandjon (posted on May 8, 2001)

May 7, 2001
Donna I had VBG surgery on April 2nd of this year. I have been a Type II Diabetic since 1994. Prior to the surgery I was on maximum dosage of Avandia, Glucophage and Diabeta, and my blood sugar was out of control. I should have been on insulin injections but I resisted it. My Blood Sugar on the day of surgery was 320. While I was in the hospital I was given insulin to control my sugar for the first two days. Since then I have been off all medicines. My sugars are now almost "normal" averaging less than 150 since the surgery. And as I continue to lose weight the sugars are also droping, 128 yesterday. My incision healed normally with no complications. I think this was life saving surgery for me. The weight loss is a bonus, the real benefit is avoiding the later complications of advanced Diabeties. Good Luck.
   — Harold R.

May 8, 2001
Had open distal bypass surgery last June.The morning of surgery my blood sugar was 340.The nurses checked my levels several times aday when I was in the hospital and had to be given insulin also. When I left the hospital I was advised to take my meds but within a week I was off all meds and have did great in the last 11 months. Blood sugar stays around 75-80 and had no problems with the healing process.
   — Rebecca D.

May 8, 2001
Hi, I had an open VBG 8 days ago. Ihave been type II diabetic almost 5 yrs, my sugar was around 140 - 150 pre-op. That was with 500 mg Glucophage twice a day. Some days it was closer to normal than others. I took my last dose of medicine Sunday April 29, the day before my surgery. On the morning of surgery, my sugar was about 150. It went down in the hospital since I had nothing to eat or drink. And has been normal the past week. I havent had any meds. The highest it has been this past week is about 130. I had a sno-cone a couple days ago. Today I had my 1st food, oatmeal. It really filled me up with only 2 oZs. Just wanted to say the incision is healing fast, it already itches, and it looks really good. Stitches come out next Monday May 14. I feel very excited about my new journey and my goal was to get off my meds. I also have high blood pressure, but it has been normal all week. And no more blood pressure med either. Good Luck to you. A positive attitude makes all the difference. And do exactly what your Dr tells you to do. It really feels better to get up and start walking. May god Bless you on your journey, Leah Davis
   — leah D.

May 8, 2001
I had an open RNY on Oct. 2,'00 and have type II. At the time of surgery my sugar level was running at 280 with HEAVY medication,no insulin. I was given insulin in the hospital and checked often. Before I left I was told to reduce my glyburide to one in morning and evening along with 2 glucophage. Just before Xmas my B.S. went down to 11. My DR. told me to drop off my nightly glyburide now I am running at about 90.
   — Dennis J. B.

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