Sure wish I could post this anon, but here goes anyway. I am 8 mos

postop and having trouble with urgent need to have BM and not being able to wait at ALL. It is causing me a lot of problems getting to work on time because each day at exactly 6:45 am when I am to leave to go work, I have to get to a bathroom! I can't "hold it" and I usually have to go at least twice before the cramps stop. I even explained it to my boss and I don't think she believed me. I haven't been late for work yet but the stress of having to "get out the door" and on the road to work is growing. I may have to take 15 min of FMLA which I still have until October to cover my tardiness. I have tried getting up earlier. I have stopped eating breakfast before I leave. I do have a cup of coffee sometimes but not always. It just seems like my body is very regular and I should be thankful for that, right? Forgive me for being graphic but I really want to see if anyone else has this problem. The BM's are soft and light colored and "fluffy". Yuck! The urgency to empty my bowels is not controllable and must take priority when it occurs. In other words, it can't wait until a convenient time. Sorry so gross. Help!    — Marilyn C. (posted on June 23, 2002)

June 23, 2002
Marilyn, do you feel flushed, or clammy, too? Along with the cramps and "gotta go" feeling? I found that I did this, and I'm pre-op, because I was eating either too many carbs or sugar, or milk. Don't know which, but it stopped immediately when I went on Atkins. I absolutely, under no circumstances, could hold it. This went on for months and months. Just FYI. Hope it helps.
   — crawford1213

June 23, 2002
Although I am still a pre-op I have had this problem since 94 when I had my gallbladder removed. I finally got my new doctor to prescibe a binding agent it has really helped me. Hope you find something that works for you.
   — Barb R.

June 23, 2002
I just wanted to make one comment/ask one question. You say you've stopped eating breakfast, but that may not be the you eat your last meal of the day at the same time every day? If so could it be that it is THAT that is affecting your time to go in the morning? Maybe by shifting your evening meal you could alter your morning BM. Just a thought. Gee I hope you find some relief!
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 23, 2002
Hi Marilyn, I am on vacation at my parents house and have been drinking 'regular' coffee and have been having the same problem. I had been having a prob with constipation, but now I think that I will start drinking reg joe to keep myself regular. Maybe it creates the urgency in your need to have a BM. Eliminate it and see what happens. I have heard that caffeine kicks your system into high gear. 7 1/2 post op.
   — Cheri M.

June 23, 2002
My BM are soft, fluffy and light colored when I eat fatty foods. They also stink. Try to eat a bit more low fat constipating foods and see what happens. DId you have RNY or DS?? I believe that DS is infamous for things like this. it has to do with malabsorption.
   — Jeannet

June 24, 2002
Thank you for all your responses. I had transected rny. I guess this isn't as common as I thought it was. I don't think I have irritable bowel syndrome or Chrohns because I didn't have this problem before WLS. Someone told me that our bodies produce several liters of "debris" per day (The debris being gall, digestive liquids, fat, etc. ) and that we are losing all that each day along with our weight loss. And that is why it is so light colored and soft. I know I can see fat floating and it is soooo gross but if I want to lose this weight then I am glad I have it. Will the BM ever be normal colored and consistency again? Or does it always stay this way after WLS? thanks again for all the responses!
   — Marilyn C.

June 24, 2002
Hi Marilyn, I don't have the urgency that you describe. (I have experienced it maybe twice in 17 months-and then only when I had eaten a lot of fat). Early on, my BM's were always light colored and soft. I will have to say, they have gotten darker (a more normal brown)and are more formed. It was a gradual thing, and until you asked your follow-up question, I hadn't even realized it. Good luck! Shelley
   — Shelley.

June 25, 2002
Marilyn, you could be describing me. I spoke to my PCP about this and she prescribed me Lomotil to take as soon as I get up or before I go to bed and this has pretty much eliminated my problem. I still have frequent bowel movements in the evenings but at least I am home and it is convenient. I hope this helps you. Good Luck!
   — Lynda T.

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