Just curious, do you still burp after WLS?

Since the pouch is so small, I was just wondering if we will still burp.    — Patty.W (posted on September 10, 2002)

September 10, 2002
Lots. More than before surgery.
   — Gremlin Q.

September 10, 2002
Lots. More than before surgery.
   — Gremlin Q.

September 10, 2002
Welcome to the new world of more burps, gurgles, and other amzing sounds, than you can possibly imagine. :) (Well worth it though)
   — RDSunshyne

September 10, 2002
I burped a little in the first few days post-op, but I don't recall doing so since...
   — John Rushton

September 10, 2002
I NEVER BURPED PRE-OP..However, 4 weeks post-op, I BURP ALL THE TIME...Its weird...For me, its my que that I am full...I start to either burp or hiccup and I know I am full. I feel as if I take one more bite, I will have taken one bite to many. Good Luck...Heather (Open RNY, 8/15, down 26lbs)
   — heathercross

September 10, 2002
burp more, but hiccup less...go figure~~
   — Vicki L.

September 10, 2002
I burp more than preop--usually in response to something I've eaten. For the first 10 months or so, My tummy would gurgle and growl every time I tried something "new" to my pouch. The first time it happened (juice in the hospital) I thought the dr had hooked me up wrong! LOL I got used to it and everyone knew I'd had surgery so I'd just shrug it off if it happened in public. I burp A LOT with carbonated stuff, sugary stuff, and stuff that has a lot of air like blended drinks. Small price to pay to be "normal" size! =)
   — ctyst

September 10, 2002
Because the pouch is small you NEED to burp more. It can't expand... so you bulch to accomodate the fact that it does'nt expand to well. If that makes sence. ;)
   — Danmark

September 10, 2002
Oh good, a poll! :D I burp the same amount as I did as a pre-op. I expected it to be more, but nope. Early on, the pouch growled at me pretty loudly for such a little guy. But now (3 months out) it's quieted down and doesn't speak to me as much. I got the message: Take care of me and I won't embarrass you (except once in awhile and then just for fun, apparently).
   — Suzy C.

September 10, 2002
Gosh, I hardly ever burp any more. Not that I really want to but sometimes after I eat I wish I could but nothing will come out. When I do burp now, I'm rather surprised! Go figure.
   — Jennifer A.

September 10, 2002
I am the opposite of Vickie. I hiccup all of the time, but can't burp to save my life =)
   — Beffy W.

September 10, 2002
When I was a new post op I had to burp between EVERY bite of food or I would throw up. Now, at 10 months post op, I still NEED to burp but not as often. It's been no major problem for me at all. Sounds like evryone is different.
   — Kim B.

September 10, 2002
Patty, I know that I am full the minute I hiccup. And it's not a regular hiccup is a very loud, high pitched one. My family thinks its the funniest thing they have ever heard. I have just come to accept it as my little signal to stop eating!!
   — Renee C.

September 11, 2002
I totally agree with Renee. The second I start to hiccup I know I've had it and I don't touch another bite. We laugh about it at the table. The kids sit around and wait for me to hiccup. It's funny, I never thought about the fact that I never burp anymore. I can't say that I really misss it, however. LOL - Mike
   — Michael N.

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