A couple of quick questions....

Hi everyone! I have a couple of questions for you wonderful people. First, I just happened to think of this the other night. I am still pre-op, waiting for my initial consult March 28th. At one point, I was considering having a body wrap to help tighten some loose skin, and I was wondering if anyone post-op has tried this as they are losing, and if so, how well did it work? My second question is, has anyone had CHA pay for plastic surgery? Granted I'm still pre-op and it will be a long long time before I'd be ready for plastic surgery, but I just wondered what kind of a battle it is to have it covered. I will never have the kind of money it would take to pay for it myself. Best of luck to all and thank you so much for your input! My thoughts, prayers, and blessings are with all of those crossing over this week! Way to go!!! Hugs, ~Helen~    — Helen M. (posted on January 20, 2003)

January 20, 2003
Hi, body wraps that are designed to give a toning effect work on the basis of making any water retention that you may have drain out of the body. For normal people who haven't lost weight, their skin will tighten up minimally closer to their body without the extra "cushion" of water. it gives them a more countoured shape as well as a "toned" look. For us who have loose skin, it doesn't do anything but dehydrates us, unfortunately. The best thing you can do is a) drink a LOT of water and b) use a lotion that contains collagen (the skin's natural elastin) 2 times daily on the areas where you suspect you will find loose skin while losing weight. Unfortunately though, skin that has been stretched loses its integrity and in many cases can not ever snap back into place. It's okay, there's always plastic surgery!!! And by the way, microdermabrasion is great to have done on your scars after plastic surgery. :)
   — Iris B.

January 20, 2003
Hi, body wraps that are designed to give a toning effect work on the basis of making any water retention that you may have drain out of the body. For normal people who haven't lost weight, their skin will tighten up minimally closer to their body without the extra "cushion" of water. it gives them a more countoured shape as well as a "toned" look. For us who have loose skin, it doesn't do anything but dehydrates us, unfortunately. The best thing you can do is a) drink a LOT of water and b) use a lotion that contains collagen (the skin's natural elastin) 2 times daily on the areas where you suspect you will find loose skin while losing weight. Unfortunately though, skin that has been stretched loses its integrity and in many cases can not ever snap back into place. It's okay, there's always plastic surgery!!! And by the way, microdermabrasion is great to have done on your scars after plastic surgery. :)
   — Iris B.

January 20, 2003
Hi, body wraps that are designed to give a toning effect work on the basis of making any water retention that you may have drain out of the body. For normal people who haven't lost weight, their skin will tighten up minimally closer to their body without the extra "cushion" of water. it gives them a more countoured shape as well as a "toned" look. For us who have loose skin, it doesn't do anything but dehydrates us, unfortunately. The best thing you can do is a) drink a LOT of water and b) use a lotion that contains collagen (the skin's natural elastin) 2 times daily on the areas where you suspect you will find loose skin while losing weight. Unfortunately though, skin that has been stretched loses its integrity and in many cases can not ever snap back into place. It's okay, there's always plastic surgery!!! And by the way, microdermabrasion is great to have done on your scars after plastic surgery. :)
   — Iris B.

January 20, 2003
Hi, body wraps that are designed to give a toning effect work on the basis of making any water retention that you may have drain out of the body. For normal people who haven't lost weight, their skin will tighten up minimally closer to their body without the extra "cushion" of water. it gives them a more countoured shape as well as a "toned" look. For us who have loose skin, it doesn't do anything but dehydrates us, unfortunately. The best thing you can do is a) drink a LOT of water and b) use a lotion that contains collagen (the skin's natural elastin) 2 times daily on the areas where you suspect you will find loose skin while losing weight. Unfortunately though, skin that has been stretched loses its integrity and in many cases can not ever snap back into place. It's okay, there's always plastic surgery!!! And by the way, microdermabrasion is great to have done on your scars after plastic surgery. :)
   — Iris B.

January 20, 2003
I had a body wrap when I was about 10 months post op. I did lose a few inches but more than anything it help me understand the size that my body was now. Having a true picture of your body image can be hard.
   — Christina L.

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