Wondering what exercise is safe with an abdominal hernia...

I am about 7 months post-op from an open RNY. I have not had any problems with my RNY incision, but I had a repeat c-section almost two years ago with a vertical incision. I have a large (we're talkin' bigger than a softball) hernia in this incision. I was talking to a friend yesterday and she was showing me some of the exercises she does, because I would really like to start an exercise routine and I can't afford to join a gym right now. She was doing crunches and I laid down and started to do them too, but every time I lifted my shoulders off the floor I felt my hernia bulge. I will definitely talk to my doctor about this, but I called today and still haven't gotten a call back. I was wondering if there are any fitness gurus or fellow hernia sufferers out there who can tell me some good exercises and which ones to avoid. My surgeon has recommended that I wait unitl TT time to have the hernia repaired, since it is not causing any pain or other symptoms. I am fine with that. I just don't want to unintentionally make the problem any worse than it already is. Any input would be appreciated. open rny 07/08/03 starting weight 388lbs; current weight 262lbs; total loss to date 126lbs    — Jenny S. (posted on February 3, 2003)

February 3, 2003
I have a hernia too I recently asked my doc if there were any limitations he said use common sense if it hurts dont do it, but i find when i do crunches late I get that "weird" but not hurt feeling, so for now im working the arms and legs I havent done crunches in years a few more months wont hurt right ;)
   — Laurie B.

February 3, 2003
Hi Jerica, I am almost 6mos. post. I exercise 6 days a week. I have a umbilcal hernia. My belly under my breasts is bulged out like a cantalope. My doc says its ok to exercise but he reccomends I wear a stomach binder. I wear one daily when I get dressed it helps to support the hernia and also reduces that bulge when I get dressed. I plan on getting my surgery in March along with a TT. I say keep on exercising, it will help your body heal faster after the hernia surgery! Good Luck!Beth
   — Elizabeth C.

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