How has sugery changed peoples diabetes?

I was diagnosed in May w/diabetes type II. Already, only 11 days after surgery, I am not taking my meds. My MD said it may go away for 10-20 years. I am wondering how other's out here w/diabetes are doing?    — Angela Q. (posted on September 20, 2003)

September 19, 2003
Hi, I had Type 2 diabetes for years before my surgery. 3 mos after surgery I was off all meds for diabetes and high cholestorol. I am 6 mos out, down 85 lbs and my blood test results just came back yesterday all normal. 3 mos off all meds and totally normal...YEA!!!
   — KellyL

September 19, 2003
I had type two diabetes when I was pregnant. The doctor told me it would be back with in 5 years if I didn't make some changes. I didn't, and it was. I was on medications for it for a year before my surgery. Thress months after my surgery I had lost 75 pounds and the blood sugars were normal. I have not had high blood sugar since and I do not have to take anything. This is the best gift weight loss could have given me. Add to that my serious back pain (from a urgery years ago) is also a thing of the past. The weight loss is great, but the healthy body is the greatest!
   — Pam G.

September 20, 2003
Angela, I had surgery September 3, I took my last Glucovance on September 2....I have not needed ANY meds (T2 diabetes, hi bp, cholesterol) since surgery and my sugar is running 95-130 I check it twice a day. I am ECSTATIC!!! GOOD LUCK and BEST WISHES...
   — Leslie N.

September 20, 2003
I am 6 weeks post-op, and I am a diabetic. I have been a T2 diabetic since 1991, and on insulin twice daily. I also had high blood pressure and high cholostral. My blood sugars were very high in the hospital, but they say that is normal because of the stress that is on your body. The last time I had to have insulin was the first day home from the hospital. I now am off my insulin or any diabetic medications, check my blood sugar numbers twice daily and they are between 100 and 140. I now am off my blood pressure medication and my chostral medications. I think that this is truely a godsent. And the best part is I am down 40 lbs and 32 inches, my only regret is not having this surgery earlier.
   — cindy

September 20, 2003
I was diagnosed as a Type II diabetic six years before my RNY. I was taking two oral medications daily, and was very poorly regulated, and probably should have been on insulin. My medications were discontinued by my surgeon the day after surgery, and now, 3 1/2 years post-op, all symptoms of my diabetes are still gone. My highest recorded blood sugar since surgery was a 90! I wish you the same great experience :-)
   — Diana T.

September 20, 2003
i have been type 1 for years taking over 140 untis of insulin a day for over 15 years! i had surgery in march this year and after i left the hosptial i have not taken one drop! i am keeping my sugars under control with orals only now. i hope to never have to take insulin again! its a good thing too becuase my insuerance stoppe dcovering insulin and i could not afford it! i an thrilled by this wonderful side effect of wls!
   — janetc00

September 20, 2003
My friend was on 300 units of insulin a day - takes nothing now. Lost over 100 pounds so far. He's doing awesome!
   — bethybb

September 20, 2003
I also have type II diabetes. I took two types of medication several times each day until the evening before my surgery on 6/30/03. That was the last time I took any meds and when I had an A1C done at the end of August, I was at 5.6 which is the normal for a NON-diabetic. I couldn't be more pleased!
   — Vanilla Lace

September 20, 2003
I also have type II Diabetes, prior to my surgery 5/5/03 I was taking two Glucotrol XL tablets a day and 45 units of 70/30 insulin twice a day, now the only thing I take is 5 units of Humulin N if my sugar is over 150. I am waiting for the day I won't have to take it at all. Of course I have many other diseases that make my sugar go up some times, but I believe some day if I keep working at it I will be totally free from these darn needles. Best of luck to you and I am so happy for you. Keep up the good work and God Bless
   — Joan T.

September 21, 2003
I was diagnosed as Type II in Jan of '99 and have been on 1000mg of Glucophage, 10mg Glyurbide, 10U of Reg. insulin and 15U NPH insulin twice a day for about 2 years. My open RNY was September 3, 2003, discharged from the hospital on the 6th. On Monday the 8th, my BS was 124 so I took my regular dose of medications listed above. 2 hours later I was so sick! My BS dropped to 31 and I was very weak, shaky and sweaty! Needless to say, I haven't had the insulin since! My PCP has me to take 1000mg of Glucophage daily now and I expect I'll be off that soon! Ain't it great?!!!
   — Bob M.

September 21, 2003
I do have one question for those who still take glucophage after surgery, do you crush the pill in order to take it? I am hopeful of just leaving the pills behind me once I have surgery, but am curious how it is managed until you can.
   — Arizona_Sun

September 21, 2003
I was diagnosed with type2 diabetes in august of 1997. I had surgery on may 15 2003. I was taking 50 units of humlin 70/30 2 times a day and 2000 mg gulcophage a day. I am now on 6-10 units of Lantus insulin once a day and no pills. Doctor wants me to adjust insulin every time I lose 5 pounds or when morning readings are 100 or below.
   — Martha L.

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