GRAPHIC material: I had panniculectomy and massive hernia repair with mesh back

In January 26. I am still having burning pins and needles pain in my right side. It feels like something is just pushing into me especially during a BM (sorry so graphic)and if I sneeze the pain is intense. When I wear my binder I don't have any pain until I take it off. The pain is pretty bad at times if I bend over. I am not able to work in the yard at all this spring and wonder if this is normal with a large hernia repair. The mesh is about the size of a legal pad. this was done laproscopily. My panniculectomy in which the PS removed 8 lbs has not given me any problems. It was a breeze compared to the hernia repair.    — Mylou52 (posted on May 10, 2004)

May 10, 2004
I know when I had my hernia repair (prior to surgery my hernia NeVER hurt) after surgery, I had 'pain' where the hernia incision was. I even went to the doctors the pain got bad once. From what I found/and read etc.. 'its supposely' phampton pain, that some people can experience after surgery, Mine didnt go away until almost 3 or 4 months post. :( But I would certianly check with your doctor to be sure. also mine wasnt as 'big' as yours either.
   — star .

May 10, 2004
I had that discomfort also. My surgeon explained to me that the mesh and the body were placed very tightly together during surgery. As we move, we have to adjust things to make them more comfortable. It's been about 10 months and I don't have those pains anymore, but I still have a great amount of numbness.
   — Faith A.

May 11, 2004
I had a hernia repair with mesh back in October of last year. My hernia was midline, a result of having two c-sections using the same incision. Once the surgeon opened me up she found that I had an umbilical hernia as well. At that point they decided to cut the tissue between the two and do one large repair, rather than trying to fix the two seperately. Needless to say I have a very large piece of mesh. Mine is 9 inches tall and spans from hip to hip. Soon after surgery I began having pain, like something was poking me almost every time I moved (and especially during BMs). The surgeon said that it was the mesh pushing against my muscles. The mesh is somewhat stiff and can feel like it is pushing into the muscle around the edges where the muscle and the edge of the mesh meet. Over time the muscle fuses with the mesh somewhat, and the pain is no longer a problem. I do not experience this pain on a daily basis any more, but sometimes when I move the wrong way or I have been really working those muscles the pain will flair up again. I would think that wearing your surgical binder holds everything in place and prevents those muscles from rubbing against the mesh, as well as holding the muscles in to give them gentle support. When you take the binder off, you have taken away that support and the rubbing starts again. It is always a good idea to ask your surgeon if you have concerns, but it sounds like the regular aches and pains of healing from a hernia repair to me. I hope you feel better, and congratulations on your success!
   — Jenny S.

March 6, 2006
I had an incisional hernia repair at HUP in Philadelphia July 2002, the surgeon did a great job, but soon after, I had pain toward the bottom of the mesh everytime I had eaten something fillingor move in a stretching motion. I went back to the surgeon he said its not a hernia, I had a CT, they said its not a hernia, the pain was a burning stabbing feeling. I still have it the pain. 3 years later. I was going to have the surgeon do something so that I didnt have the stabbing pain, but the surgeon ,Gordon Buzby ,had passed away. I am hoping the plastic surgeon that I use for my TT can fix whatever is causing the stabbing, burning pain.
   — somewhereNJ

August 2, 2009
I had a hernia repair and panni/TT at the same time. I have a 15x30 patch centered in my abdomen (breast bone to pubic). I too experience feelings of pulls, tugs, even itches occasionally. I have been told it is the patch adjusting, sometimes it may get pulled somehow and it has to reattach/adjust. The itching is the worst, but I guess that is the sacrifice I made for not looking 9 months pregnant anymore. Think about it, you have a piece of synthetic fabric just under your skin...
   — wenklebe

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