Has anyone had their surgery reversed after reaching goal weight?

If so, how did it go? Did you have to pay for it or was it covered by insurance? I am 10 wks post-op and there isn't one day that has gone by that I haven't been sick as a dog. Yes, I eat what I'm supposed to but food, and meds won't stay down and I can't live with the nausea any more. I know this surgery has been great for a lot of people but it wasn't the right decision for me.    — Tiffany A. (posted on March 2, 2002)

March 2, 2002
tiffany,,so sorry to hear you are having trouble...does your doctor not have any suggestions to help you?,,, have you tried going back to the liquid diet of broth again,, are you eating to fast,,,i get nausea when eating too fast. and i am 3 1/2 mos post op.. don't give up yet...wait for answers or suggestions from this site or demand your doctors help.. i hope you feel better soon,,,and can enjoy the benefits...
   — [Anonymous]

March 2, 2002
I felt horrible until week 12 after my proximal RNY last year. HORRIBLE. I couldn't keep anything down, and I had nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. At one point, I was even throwing up water and I got dehydrated. I remember telling my husband I regretted the surgery and wanted to have it reversed. Fortunately, I stuck it out. Now, one year post-op, I look at the surgery as my best friend. In retrospect, those 12 weeks of hell were worth it, and now I can eat everything I could post-op, and I'm down 166 lbs.! Don't worry - it WILL get better ... and then you'll be like thousands of others on this site who have looked at the RNY as their God-send!!!
   — Terissa R.

March 2, 2002
I had constant nausea/ vomiting for the first 15 months after original surgery and first revision.. I did seek the opinion of a second surgery and was discovered to have an atonic pouch.. My pouch became atonic , most likely , due to the constant vomiting.. I just had a revision to reconstruct my pouch and have been nausea/ vomiting free for over three weeks now.. I never considered reversal of the surgery because it is much more difficult and dangerous than the surgery.. I would suggest you contact your doc, get an appt with a qualified GI doc and get an upper endoscopy to see what is going on .. If you have a narrowed stoma, that is easily fixed with a small balloon.. And I promise, you will feel better immediately ... Let us know
   — Gina Landers

March 2, 2002
Tiffany, Can you call your dr and ask for nausea medicine? My dr put me on two, one was riglan that I took twice daily and the other was compazine(I think) that I took with each meal three times a day. These are the only things that got me through the first month. Also, has your dr checked to make sure you don't need scoped with your stoma opened some? Just some suggestions.
   — Becky K.

March 2, 2002
Have you been scoped or had any upper GI or anything to check your mechanics? As many problems as you had, I know you don't need another, but an over tight stoma can be easily fixed. IF your doc is unwilling to help you, perhaps you can seek help elsewhere. You do not have to remain ill. Although there is a break-in period for us, it shouldn't take forever, and life should start to be fun!
   — vitalady

April 21, 2002
Tiffany, Hello. I am 4 weeks post-op. I too am considering a reversal of an open Roux-e-y. My Doctor states this can be done once the stomach heals which approximately takes 3 to 4 months. I have a contact as well that her husband had a reversal due to nausea and vomitting. He is doing much better now. It seems no one really wants to speak about reversal, but from the research I have done, and e-mails that I have received people are getting them, and "YES" insurances are paying for them. Let me know if you have any questions.
   — Anita B.

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