How much Biotin did you take to stop hair loss?

My hair has started falling out by the handful over the last few weeks. I've decided to give Biotin a try to see if it helps. How much did you take and did it help? Thanks.    — Christine L. (posted on August 3, 2002)

August 3, 2002
I have taken biotin since I had the surgery, thinking it would stop the hair loss. IT DOESN'T. I still take it. My nails grow strong and my skin is really glowing, but it doesn't stop the hair loss. I talked to my surgeon. He states nothing stops the hair loss, but there are things that keep your hair in a nice condition and not turn brittle. Good luck and let me know if you find anything that actually does work.
   — stacey1273

August 3, 2002
just for the record too, I am taking 2 600mg biotin a day.
   — stacey1273

August 3, 2002
I took 2400 mg of Biotin a day and it didn't help stop my hairloss at all. I think once it starts there really isn't much you can do to stop it. The loss will continue for a couple of months. You will think you are going bald, but don't worry, it DOES stop and it WILL grow back. You won't go bald.
   — Kim B.

August 5, 2002
I started taking 2500 MG a day a week before surgery and I am now over three months out and have NOT lost one single strand of hair yet...Keeping my fingers crossed that it stays this way.;-)
   — Tina S B.

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