Has any one been tested positive for Hypylori before surgery?

Has any one been tested positive for Hypylori before surgery? This is a bacteria in the stomache.What kind of medicine did they give you before surgery and how long did it take to get rid of it?    — mea (posted on November 8, 2004)

November 8, 2004
Yes, I was. My Dr. put me on antibiodics. It didn't stop my surgery.
   — Linda Brown

November 8, 2004
Yes, I tested positive. Doctor put me on a two week course of antibiotics (7 pills twice a day). He tested far enough in advance that I finished the antibiotics with time to spare.
   — scbabe

November 8, 2004
In my pre-operative testing, I tested positive for H Pylori. My doctor put me on a 14-day course of antibiotics and prevacid and it knocked it right out. I had no delays in my surgery.
   — Cathy S.

November 9, 2004
Most Dr's place you on something called "Prev-Pac". It contains 2 anitbiotics and prevacid to keep the stomach acid down. The medecine gets rid of it. H.pylori can cause bleeding ulcers which is why it is important to get rid of it. Best wishes, Maggie B.
   — M B.

November 9, 2004
Yes, I tested positive for H-Pylori and also took the 14 day antibiotic/previcid regime. BTW, I was told that once you test positive you will always test positive. The medication supposedly surpresses the bacteria enough to prevent ulcers. I take previcid postop now also. Joann - RNY 10/20/04
   — JoannM

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