How do you join in all of the support I see within the site.

I am waiting for insurance approval, and am now starting to become fearful of the surgery.    — Joseph R. (posted on June 28, 2001)

June 28, 2001
Best place to start is to jump right into the Chat-room!! Tons and tons of people will answer your questions there. Not to mention cheer you up when you feel terrible and calm your fears. You can also email other people. You could check out the upcoming surgery page and find a few people having surgery around the time you are. Feel free to email me! Good luck!
   — Deniece H.

June 28, 2001
Keep checking the "message board" and post your own messages. People will email you with suggestions and support. Good luck!
   — Angela B.

June 28, 2001
Hi Joseph, You took the first step by posting a question. You can also go to the message boards & just say hi. AMOS is the best site around when you need any kind of support. It is normal to feel nervous, take it from me. Don't worry everything will be ok. We are always here!
   — socco58

June 28, 2001
hi joseph. welcome to AMOS. u already have joined in by accessing this site & posting a question. dont be shy! as far as being fearful of the surgery...i personally think that is a very normal feeling. i have had many surgeries over the years & have been scared each & every time. i am frightened almost to death this time around because i have never been in such an unhealthy state with my other surgeries. but, i am not willing to live this way any longer either. especially since i have been told by my cardiologist i have a very short life span left to me at this point. calm urself with the thought that what u r heading into is going to give u the quality of life u now lack. u must think positive thoughts because positive thoughts have a positive effect on ur healing body after the surgery. r u married? have children? think how ur surgery is going to affect ur life with ur family. r u single? think how ur surgery is going to affect ur social life. most of all, at the top of the list, think how beneficial ur new 'tool' to be healthy is going to affect ur life overall. good luck with the insurance approval!
   — sheryl titone

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