Can anyone interpret this bloodwork for me? The Doctor was so busy

and did not elaborate. He just told me everything "looked fine" and gave me a copy of my reports. I could tell he was very busy and under alot of pressure so I didn't push the issue. So here goes: On my lipid profile, my triglycerides was up to 166 from normal range of 35-160. On CBC, MCHC was low at 32.6, normal range 33-37. GRAN % was low at 33.0, normal 42.5-75.2. LYMPH % was high at 60.1, normal being 20.5-51.1%. LYMPH # was high at 3.8, normal range 0.11-0.59. I have no idea what this is. I'm taking the reports to my surgeon in early March but in the meantime, I wonder, is there anything to worry about here? The reason I went to see my doc was cause I was having dizzy spells. 3 months post op lap rny down 50#. May seem slow loss to some but I'm thrilled. I started at 286. Thanks. I didn't take my b.p. med yesterday and when checked at doc's office, it was normal and I didn't have any dizzy spells at all yesterday. Yet, my doc would not take me off the meds, said he would leave that to my surgeon, since it's the "silent killer" and all. He told me to try every other day or cutting it in half for now.    — Annie H. (posted on January 31, 2002)

January 31, 2002
I don't think ANYone here should be trying to figure out what your results are that is not our place. Whomever does try even, even if they a nurse is out of line. Its your doctor's job to do this no matter how busy he is, your results must be understood by your and he is obligated to take the time to make sure you understand them. I do not say this to be cruel but this is a medical situation and should be handled by those you pay to take care of you. Sorry but I feel this time, this is something not for the board. Suppose its explained incorrectly and what your doctor meant at the time that there is nothing to worry about at this time but he's got his eye on it, that's his place to relay that information to you. I'm NOT saying that's the case, but it would be in your best interest to have your physican handle results of your bloodwork and later after he has explained them in detail if you are concerned and one of us has had similar results then you could revisit this question.
   — [Anonymous]

January 31, 2002
I completely understand your question. I just saw my surgeon, said that everything was fine. However, my husband works at the hospital, pulled my labs the day before and we went over them, some were high, some low. I wanted to understand exactly what each value meant. There is nothing wrong with being curious about your own labs and making sure that your surgeon is taking care of things you think should be addressed. I really like being able to go over mine to undertand exactly how my body is working with this surgery. Good for you for taking control. There is no reason why an RN couldn't interpret these labs. They are pretty routine orders. I hope someone can help you, if not, I'll pull my husband over to the computer when he gets home from work.
   — [Anonymous]

January 31, 2002
Oh, and don't cut a BP pill in half, it could be a time-release pill and be dangerous.
   — [Anonymous]

January 31, 2002
I hope you don't mind, but my suggestion to you has nothing to do with your labs. Do you have anything to check your blood pressure with when you have your dizzy spells? If your BP is low during these times, a simple phone call to the surgeons office would probably be all it takes. Your BP is especially suspect if these dizzy spells happen with a change to a more upright position (lying to sitting, sitting to standing, etc.).
   — [Anonymous]

February 1, 2002
Your triglycerides could be normal for you, you would have to look at your base line to determine if this is elevated for you. Your MCHC (hemoglobin content in your red cell) is insignificant, not to worry about. Granulocytes go down when your lymphocytes go up, they work hand in hand. Your lymphs could be high from just some sort of infection, maybe something you don't even know you have, some kind of cold bug or virus. Our bodies fight bugs all the time and next week your values could be completely w/in normal range. So there is nothing to concern yourself about with these values. I understand your wanting to know what the labs mean, I'm a curious one too!
   — Cheri M.

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