Does anyone know of a support group in Charlotte, NC?

I am in the infant stages of the process, with seeing my PCP on 08/30. I would, however, like to get information on support groups, if any, in the Charlotte area so that I may attend and get some support as I go through the doctor and insurance approval process. Any information you have would be really appreciated.    — blessednblu (posted on August 28, 2002)

August 28, 2002
I live in Charlotte, but had my surgery 6-19-01 in Pennsylvania. I have not seen whether there is a group in Charlotte, but there should be. I would attend as well. Feel free to email me with questions. Best Wishes in your journey!
   — Molly S.

August 28, 2002
I am from Charlotte, but am having surgery here in SC. I assure you that there are several support groups there. I would try looking up those who are post-op and from Charlotte here on AMOS. Read their profiles to see if they mention a group and/or email them and ask if they go to a group. Also, when you begin to look for a surgeon, ask them! I am very lucky because my surgeon has a monthly support group- many do. (And knowing he had a support group sold me on using him!) But no matter, as large as Charlotte is, there has to be some WLS support groups there! Good luck!
   — karmiausnic

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