What Happens From Here? Feel as tho I'm in the dark :o(

Hi Guys...I need your help if possible? I have my first consultation with the surgeon 11/13, in which I will be with a few other's considering WLS. I was told before we leave, they will set up an app. w/the surgeon within 2 weeks. I plan on bringing my 3 referrals for wls from drs. I feel so out in the dark here. What happens after my consult? **when will they submit to my ins. co? **what will they do during my consult? **what will happen at the following app. w/surgeon? ****how long after the initial consult does it take to get an actual surgery date? I know these questions are different for everyone but I just thought I'd get some of your experiences that you've been through. Thanks a bunch everyone and I hope all of you had a fantastic weekend!!!! Josii*    — meltedbuttr (posted on November 4, 2002)

November 3, 2002
With my insurance, they submitted my paperwork, requested notes from my PCP (which took forever and a day to get there). What I would recommend is some pro-active moves on your part if you have an insurance that is known to be difficult (like Cigna or Aetna). Get your records together and get them to the surgeon's insurance clerk asap. Get documentation together that prove your dieting history if you haven't done so. Find out the requirements for approval from your insurance company and make sure you have documentation to cover each point when it gets submitted. I was lacking a 12 week physician supevised diet history in the last 12 months, so we started that immediately after the consultation. By the time I got my first denial, the 12 weeks was almost up and I appealed and won, based upon those notes from my PCP.
   — Cathy S.

November 3, 2002
You're right! Everybody has a different experience because every surgeon has his own setup on what to do and when... But here's what happened for me: <p> My consult with the surgeon was August 6th, 2002. At that time, I filled out alot of forms and watched a videotape of a typical Lap RNY surgery and was weighed. I also met the nutritionist for a few minutes and the surgeon explained the entire RNY procedure to me from start to finish and determined there that I'd be a good candidate for the surgery. <p> I was also given a bunch of scripts for tests and consults that needed to be completed before surgery along with appointment times for each, made by his staff. The appointments ranged from 2 wks to 2 months away from that consult date. My surgery date was given to me when I finished all tests and consults, which is now set for January 13th, 2003 (wooohooo!!), a full 5 months after the initial consult. Good luck to you!!
   — thumpiez

November 3, 2002
Depends on the Surgery Center and the Doctor... I attended a seminar end of June 2002. Submitted my paper work July 15 and was approved by the insurance July 30. My surgery was scheduled three weeks later (Aug 20). So, for me it all went very quickly. I had all the necessary tests within the three week period between being approved and surgery date. I am glad I did not have to wait very long because I probably would have talked myself out of it- and boy, I would be sorry becuase this has been the best decision for me! I was a "light weight", but could not get the weight off and keep it off. I am so happy to have a new way to eat and a new start on life as a heathly 46 year old!
   — cmlattig

November 4, 2002
My profile contains a quick chart on each step and what day it happened on. This may help. Good Luck!
   — Amber L.

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