I'm feeling frightened, selfish, worried

My fabulous pcp has gotten me all approved with my insurance company, and now I'm feeling very anxious trying to justify what I'm doing. I am 5'5", 168 lbs with absolutely no co-morbidities; yet there is a long history of diabetes and hypertension in my family; my mom has both and now has complete kidney failure and is in dialysis 3x weekly. So I know I want to do this because I want to head off trouble before it comes, while I'm still healthy enough to avoid possible complications. Am I acting too soon? I am also my mom's sole caregiver - I'm sure I'm stressing more than I probably should be. Also I have been treated for anxiety and depression. I'd love everyone's feedback! Thanks for letting me rant!    — Patti S. (posted on November 11, 2002)

November 11, 2002
I just have to ask...............if you are 5'5" and only 168# that means your BMI is like 28.0!! How in the WORLD did you get your insurance to approve WLS especially if you don't have comorbidities? Or did you mis-type your height or weight??
   — Carolyn I.

November 11, 2002
Patty, I am assuming that you mean your weight is actually 268, since your profile says that you have a BMI of 41. PLus, I have Aetna, and they would not approve you with a BMI of 28. So, if my assumptions are true, then you are on the right track. This will help head off future problems and it will help to decrease your weight. If my assumptions are not true, then I personally would not go through this surgery at a weight of 168. Unless I was 3 feet tall.
   — Vicki L.

November 11, 2002
If my assumptions are not true, then I personally would not go through this surgery at a weight of 168. UNLESS I WAS 3 FEET TALL.- Vicki L ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.....That was cute Vicki :o)
   — meltedbuttr

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